Ok, time to clean out the garage and I have a pair of Dunlop Direzza Star Specs 225/45/17 up for grabs for virtually nothing.
The tires are well over 50% tread, not even near the indicators. Both have some uneven wear on the outside shoulders due to previous owner's poor camber settings, but it's not bad at all really. Also there are some rub marks, again from previous owner's bad offset and rubbing fenders.
I'd use them myself, but with an AWD car I'd have to find two others equally worn and don't want to bother. Tires are usable and safe.....
I also have a third one with similar tread and even wear, but there is a 1/2 chunk out of the inner bead thanks to idiot tire shop person who dismounted it from the wheel.
Anyhow, for someone running rwd/fwd at the challenge these would be great for drag or autocross...you all know how sticky star specs are.
Price: $40 for all of it...OR $30 + 2 12-packs of Mountain Dew Code Red or 2 packs of Marlboro Lights...
Located just outside Washington DC.
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