I have a set of four, used BFG Rivals off my RTA WRX. Under 200 street miles ('cause I'm that guy who brings street tires on a trailer) and 80 total runs. Tons of life left. Very even wear, as they were rotated after every race.
Located in Odenton, MD. $400 or best offer plus shipping. There is a super slim chance I can get these to Lincoln, but I leave tomorrow.
http://teamziptie.com/forsale/tires/rival1.jpg http://teamziptie.com/forsale/tires/rival2.jpg http://teamziptie.com/forsale/tires/rival3.jpg
And a comparison of old to new (new is on the bottom). http://teamziptie.com/forsale/tires/rival_oldvnew.jpg
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