I LOVE looking at junk and possible projects on craigslist. Does anyone have any good search lines for craigslist helper to find all those "Mechanic specials" possible junk...i mean treasure.
I have a bunch of links already setup for some of the things I am normally looking for.
I bring minimum price to 50 and max out around 500. Looking for a rally car project. Anyone have suggestions on finding one?
Maybe I have too much free time on my hands, but I do a search where I don't put anything in the search box, limit the search to "for sale by owner" and set the price min to $100 and max to $2000.
This nets way more cool projects than I could ever get into in the Columbus/Dayton/Cincinnati area. (Including the $1300, no rust, B13 SE-R I bought last month)
I do search by owner with a min of 2 and a max of a couple hundred over budget. This keeps the 1 dollar crap out of the search. Interesting stuff still comes up from time to time.
Someone posted a good Craigslist search tool on here a while back. It filtered a lot of the B.S. ads out. Anyone remember the link?
In reply to MA$$hole:
The good one was CL Helper but as you can see in this thread, it seems to have disappeared.
My guess is that it was shut down by some legal action from CL, which is the same thing that happened to the previous great, Craigslook.
www.searchtempest.com still remains and is okay.
I simply search for "Clutch"...youll find manual cars only, and the results will likely be either "runs but needs clutch" = easy fix and a lower price tag, or "new Clutch" meaning the ricer kid who had it before you hasnt had a chance to burn this one up yet...other search terms are "project" or "Parts car". Keep the range at 500 - 1200, and youll usually come up with some good potential new to you cars
^If you use the two little vertical, vertically stacked lines (usually on the button above the enter key, using the shift key) it will search for any of the words. The weird thing is the symbol looks like one vertical line on the screen but two vertical lines on the keyboard.
I also do this: 1970|1971|1972|1973|1974|1975|1976|1977|1978|1979|70|71|72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79
some of my favorites i can think of now: rare, divorce, teen, son, daughter, nagging, grandma, grandmother, grandpa (etc), original, since, love, loved, rally, autocross, auto-x, scca, nasa, european, classic
also, rossd's tip with the vertical lines - dude, that is awesome. gonna change my life haha
"Rare" turns up every other Beretta or Z24 or other white trash "hot rod" on the planet. People seem to think that if it has a different pin stripe it's suddenly a rare car.
man, I must be in a bitter mood today. Sorry guys. Must be facing the next few weeks with no racing. :-)
yeah, but...i like seeing berettas....maybe even a Z26 might show up...ohhhhhh
or those old hatchback z24s....oooohhhhh
or a citation x-11....ooohhhhhhh
or http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/cto/2956704176.html
ohms wrote: yeah, but...i like seeing berettas....maybe even a Z26 might show up...ohhhhhh or those old hatchback z24s....oooohhhhh or a citation x-11....ooohhhhhhh or http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/cto/2956704176.html
lol. I search project in both auto parts by owner and cars for sale by owner. sometimes just all for sale. people don't know how to categorize things for some reason so it's tricky sometimes lol
Grtechguy wrote: "wife says" "divorce" "lost storage" "getting married" "baby on the way"
This is beautiful.
jrw1621 wrote: In reply to MA$$hole: The good one was CL Helper but as you can see in this thread, it seems to have disappeared. http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/off-topic-discussion/searching-multiple-craigslist-sites-with-alerts/33304/page3/ My guess is that it was shut down by some legal action from CL, which is the same thing that happened to the previous great, Craigslook. www.searchtempest.com still remains and is okay.
Searchtempest.com IS craigshelper.com just a different name. They do a lot more than just Craigslist these days, FWIW.
and for a possible score of cool wheels, search for "enkel"
i kick myself when i think of the GTA mesh rims i missed out on a while back for $100.
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