The short.
Does anyone know of any digital dashes that can be used on non ECU cars? that are really budget friendly.
The long.
We're building a locost clubman on one hell of a budget, using datsun 1200 carb fed motor. We are at the stage of needing to plan the dash and i'm hoping to go with a digital dash (MOTEC AIM and other styles) but most require to run though the ECU. I have seen some half decent ones that people have made using arduino on youtube but i don't have the time and skill to do this and am hoping someone already has a solution.
Hoping for tacho, speedo, oil pressure, temp the basics really
Also if this is the wrong place (little confused as to where this should belong) can the mods please move it
Summit has a cheap digital dash.
Summit Racing Digital Dash
I didn't know these existed. Seems like a reasonably good idea.
The only problem i see is the tacho is really small, maybe coupled to a LED tacho on top it could work
This would be the ultimate but its probably 3 times what we've spent on the car and without a doubt the single biggest purchase if we go with it.
Low budget? How about one from a 1986 Cavalier Z24?

/\ /\ /\ This must be photo-shopped. No Cavalier has ever gone 211K Miles.
S10 also had a digital dash, and the 80s c4 corvette.
I wouldn't worry about the tach. Adjustable proform shift light will solve most problems.
Whats your target price point?
Im hoping around the 300-500 mark but cheaper the better i guess
MyChron 4 for a kart. Displays tach, laptime, two temperatures, and speed. Usually $200-$250 used. A brand new MyChron5 GPS is $500.