Whew, finally getting recovered from the Expo.

Two years ago I only had that big bin. Add my jawa bin, her jawa bin, the large bag with two costumes, the helmet in that towel she carried over...

Friday I wore the newest one, the AT-ST driver. I finally got to wear it with Ron, a retired armored cavalry guy that wears his all the time. Here I am doing "The Ron". We had a set that looked like freezing people in carbonite so that was my volunteer duty Friday evening, I wanted to be able to see the controls. (Which turned out to just be a switch.)

Saturday was a long day, 9am till 8pm. I saw this kid in a walking Gonk droid & needed a photo, luckily I wore the right shirt. My mom came to visit so that was cool, I wasn't in costume yet because we had a surprise planned later.

Two friends had lost a bet, and had to wear the Pink Shorts Boom Mic guy costume during Expo & decided to do it during a march around the event. Two months ago four of us schemed to secretly join them somehow. The parade made it perfect, after they left we changed quickly and hid about 1/3 of the way down the path and jumped in when they caught up. The expressions were priceless! We were a hit, and two Expo guests from Star Wars movies/Mandalorian asked us to do a photo. (Google Pink Shorts Guy Star Wars for more background info. We planned for two months on costume and mic building.)

Saturday evening I helped with the bounty hunt, where you donate $5 to have us come hunt you or a friend down in the Expo area & bring you back for a photo. The freezing chamber is new this year and pretty awesome. Only issue was glare from the lighting overhead.

SWMBO didn't costume up much except Saturday, she finally wore Sadme (Padme when she's giving birth to Luke and Leia, yeah it's a costume and an easy entry into the Rebel Legion). We did some photos with a friend that has a few other Padme costumes.
We raised almost $3700 about $1-5 at a time over the weekend, larger than 2019 with a smaller crowd. I got to hang out with friends all weekend & have a blast. Ready for next year!