9/23/21 6:47 p.m.
Stage 2 of the charging wall. I got a good industrial power strip and mounted it then routed all the wires behind the board and out to the strip. This greatly satisfies my need for order. Its fiddly stuff like this that will make it take much longer before I actually put cars in here and get to work but once that happens I'll never go back and fix anything I half ass now so (for once) Im willing to take my time.
10/11/21 5:40 p.m.
A few quick updates. Been slowly trying to move things in from the barn. My workbenches were easiest to access (not necessarily to move, thank god for the tractor) I got these things years ago from a govdeals auction from a local HS. A 6ftx30in, a 4ftx30 inch and a 3 foot wide upright cabinet which I sitll have to move. They were in the wood shop, covered in layers of paint. Solid steel all around. I stripped them down, painted the cabinets but left the tops bare steel and just oiled them every once in awhile because I knew any coating would get destroyed. Unfortunately in the 2 years they've waited in the barn they haven't been cleaned or coated so they are pretty crusty. Started a little de-crusting tonite. 60 grit on a DA with PB Blaster to break up the heavy rust then another pass with 80 and they are good enough for intended use
10/11/21 5:40 p.m.
I had some time off last week and this week so I started digging out my tool box, it was the first thing off the moving truck so it ended up behind a lot of other stuff in the barn and took a bit of doing to get it free again.
10/11/21 5:41 p.m.
Then I went to a garage sale Saturday, mostly because there was a horizontal band saw shown in the ad. Sadly I got there too late, it was snapped up when the door was open. However I did get this awesome old rolling cart for $20. Its bigger and much nicer than the cheap HF one I have now. And sitting on it was this crusty old piece of equipment. I decided to buy it too rather than take it off the cart For those who don't recognize it it is a Sioux valve grinder. Current listings for these on have this model going at $1000 or more. No one else there really knew what it was and when I bought it the guy looked at the lady running the sale and said "see I told you it would sell to the first person who knew what it was. All in all I bought both and got change from a 50.
I like that charging station idea. I honestly didn't know there are slots on the back of the DeWalt charger to hang them on screws. They even embossed the C-C distance. Nice.
My ex- has that same tool box. She bought it when it was on sale (close-out?) at Lowes nearly a decade ago. It is a nice box for home use.
10/31/21 7:40 p.m.
Actually starting to put the shop to use although there's still more setup to be done. Started the day with the Atrai in there, seems after 30 years the stock valve stems gave up...they had a good run. New tire machines made that a relatively simple affair. Then with the weather turning cooler I decided to put the Beat to bed indoors. I may still pull her out on some of our late season warm days but mostly this is where she'll live until spring or a sale whichever comes first. Small cars make shops look big