V6 is out. Subframe cleaned up. Need to replace the trans cooler lines. Just about tearing my hair out looking for these online. Why so hard to find two lines? Local Napa is special order plus additional shipping. Should I just make my own? Originals in bad shape. Gotta change plans on rims and tires. 17 inch sawblades won't give me wider track even with 3 inch spaces as they have a high positive offset. Looking at circle track options.
Still need tbi adapter for the square bore manifold.
Slow but steady wins the...oh hell is just slow.
Ready to go in. Shiny new flexplate, cleaned up manifolds, and spark plugs.

8 in place of 6. Yippee!!
Switching over from serpentine to v belts. Dropping the a/C for now. Next big thing is figuring out where to put the alternator.

Why switch to v belts? The 4.3 stuff bolts on.
Dusterbd13 wrote:
Why switch to v belts? The 4.3 stuff bolts on.
Not when you use the older heads which don't have drilled bosses to mount to. And the abs unit is in the way on the driver side.
Found an alternator/PS bracket on a Caprice wagon non LT1. Fits perfect but was for long nose water pump and switching to v-belts. So shim the PS pump back 1/2 inch and play mix and match with all the pulleys lying around gets us real close to done there. Need to find a WP pulley with two v channels now.
Passenger side exhaust almost done. Mild plan change. No side pipes, just dumping out in front of rear tires. Still duals though.
Also got a 1/4 inch thick sheet of aluminum to make an adapter to fit the TB to the square bore manifold.
In the words of Jesse James, only thing left to do is everything.
B body alt and PS bracket a go. Need to find the right length belts now. Adapter plate for the throttle body unit done. I made it over size to use as a mounting for some of the harness and sensors.

To quote quagmire, GIGGITY!

Hash tags are not easy.
In reply to vwcorvette:
Nice work on the adapter plate. Should act as a height shield also.
TBI stuff seems really sensitive to how high the throttle body is spaced, so it might be worth trying a few different thicknesses.
I know on all the Megasquirt TBI upgrades that guys try to remove the factory throttle body spacers to reduce the underhood height and then regret it from loss of power.
In reply to ssswitch:
Good to know. Right now however I'm trying to find a vacuum line diagram and what to do about the lack of an EGR fitting/mount on my edelbrock manifold.
Leave it alone. All you need to worry about is pcv, brake booster, and map sensor.
No fun getting close to firing things up only to remember you failed to remove the tape you used to cover the intake manifold so things wouldn't get in it. Let's take things apart again. 
In reply to maschinenbau:
This was standard first start procedure for our FSAE team too.
"Did you tune the comps?" "Yes"
"Did you tune the paper towel comps?" "..."
Picked up universal TV cable mount from Transdapt, some grommets for the PCV, and some emissions hoses. So close I can taste it. Perhaps I should register for the event?
Youtube won't give me the embed code from the app. What am I doing wrong? I have good news to share.
So that's why Chevy has the distributor in the back, so you can adjust it as you drive. :) Looking forward to seeing this in person.
Sunday the plan is to complete and make road worthy. Still need to hook up driveshaft since it was removed to move it using a tow dolly. Install trans cooler, install fan, air filter and housing, heater hoses, and refit the nose bodywork and trim. Looking at some Diamond Racing 15 x 7 rims tomorrow for it.