Buck's done with the frame. i hope to skin the little one tonight!
In reply to Mad_Ratel :
certainly visually a front splitter or wing would help aesthetics. front grip is helped by being capable of nearly 3 deg of camber... maybe once the radiator is rear mounted...
In reply to Go_Gators :
aS BIG AS your wing is (and the high angle of attack), you are adding quite few pounds of force on the rear wheels. This will shift weight off of the front tires as well since it'll compress the rear suspension.
so at speed you'll probably feel your steering wheel get light.
Not an issue for autocross, but I bet the first time you take a highway off ramp at 60 mph it's going to feel very weird.
certainly a possibility.. i wont get it done this week, but i plan to make struts to hold up the near vertical wing at a more conventional wing angle for street driving. i plan to drive it at speed today for the first time with it on.... MTF!
In reply to cj32769 :
anybody who wants to attempt that engineering feat is welcome to use my platform as a test bed!
nuts and bolts are hard enough for me.
my buddy Buck (welded the roll cage) came by and helped make a couple sets of struts for the wing. we also finished up the roof panel. Pictured is the wing at the least aggressive setting.
pretty happy with that.
packed and ready to head south for Starke FL tomorrow morning. autocross on FIRM's road course. hope to not bring any dirt back in the afternoon!
When you get back would it be possible to get a picture of balancer to steering rack clearance and a measurement of same?
That rear "wing" is astonishingly bad. It isn't a wing, just two flaps with flat surfaces set at terrible angles.
Patrick said:When you get back would it be possible to get a picture of balancer to steering rack clearance and a measurement of same?
i should be able to do that today!
subrew said:That rear "wing" is astonishingly bad.
It isn't a wing, just two flaps with flat surfaces set at terrible angles.
LOL. i didnt stick around for the extra 12-15 credit hours needed to pick up an aeronautical engineering degree ontop my mechanical engineering degree - my bad.
will say this. with the wing set like it is in the picture by the water i can go full throttle in 2nd gear from a 45-50mph roll and the tires now HOOK. whereas, without the two flaps with flat surfaces the rears would break loose before getting to ~3/4 throttle.
furthermore... with the primary wing set at 20deg, my times (only completed 3 runs) were much more favorable when compared to others this weekend than they had been in previous two events.
Regarding event 3..... not a great day. the car felt much better, the rear isnt as loose at corner entry (surface at FIRM is definitely better than the runway i typically run on) with the wing set to 20deg. However, i was reminded on the third run that HP always overcomes street tires. Coming out of a slalom at finish i applied throttle, it upset the rear and i plowed through the finish timing equipment. was somewhat fortunate to only break a tripod, cable and my windshield. had to drive home ~50 miles with a taped up windshield on the passenger side.
yes, i have it on in car video. yes, someone filmed it from nearby. lovely. will get around to editing it later...
Go_Gators said:LOL. i didnt stick around for the extra 12-15 credit hours needed to pick up an aeronautical engineering degree ontop my mechanical engineering degree - my bad.
BSME For the win!!!!
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