I'll look into it after I find out that I am locking up both rear wheels every time I hit the brakes.
Anyway, some progress is being made. Not as much as I had hoped.
Rear quarter panel is patched up for now.

Oh yeah, and there is an engine in there.

The brakes look so good in this picture, but looks are deceiving. I tried to bleed the brakes and ran into 2 problems.
1, the master cylinder was leaking under the reservoir.
So I pulled it all apart and in the effort to save money, cleaned it out and put it back together.

Above, you can see where the rubber grommets were not sealing because of rust. They cleaned up pretty well and I added some 'gas proof' seal-all that is supposed to stand up to brake fluid. Mostly in the hopes of holding off the next layer of rust. We shall see.
Problem number 2, I didn't bench bleed the master, it would have been smart to do that while it was, you know, on a bench.
Oh well.

Worked great this time, the pedal got harder than a ****** at a ******. (Fill in your own dirty joke, this is a family show)
Next up, dealing with all dem hose.

It's an 83, with a 88 radiator and a 98 motor. So I've been mixing and matching as best as I could.
Step one though, is this little cover.

It sits on the side of the heater core and holds everything in place. The problem is that with the drive by wire pot sitting there now, they rub together. So I could just take it off, but I'd be worried about rattles and it sliding out and running into the pedals anyway.
So I need a low profile clip. Drill and a dremel.

cut with the angle grinder, bend with pliers.

Add another simpler tab and, voila.
I didn't take a picture of it bent into place, but you get the idea. I also added a little piece of foam behind it to prevent rattle issues.

Next up is my continuing hunt for a lower radiator hose. The two I bought from local auto parts stores were a bust. I ordered one online that looks promising but... we. shall. see.