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de80q Reader
2/19/15 11:55 a.m.

I will start off by introducing myself. My name is Dave, and I live in York PA. I have owned this car for almost 4 years now(I think) and it has been on heck of a ride. This first post will be quite long, just a warning. This is how it looked when i got it. 

It had a few issues, but ran and drove. The biggest problem it had was the 3rd gear syncro was shot, to I had to sync shift it, no big dreal right? That was unil the pieces of brass decided to all get together in between the gears, and punch out the front of the trans housing.

So I found another trans that had recently been rebuilt with new bearings, seals, and syncros.

But I am getting ahead of myself. I first found this. An '86 5KTQ avant. A tree limb had fallen on the old girl, and PO was using it as storage. 

So I got it from him pretty cheap, drove it onto the trailer, and started the break down. Here is the reason I grabbed it. MC1 10VT engine! Not in too bad of shape, but in desperate need of attention 

It had the normal worn parts, like cracked manifold 

Cracks between the valves 

But the bores looked good 

I cleaned and welded the manifold

 I also got a head from a 2.2L JT engine, so that I would have the vacuum pump option, as well as they do not crack like the turbo head. This head got a nice port and polish, .5mm larger stainless exhaust valves, high rate springs, titanium retainers, 3 angle valve job, and a good flattening. 


Then I machined the flywheel


snagged a spec stage3 

Complete reseal and ARP studs


 And to button up the bottom, the AAN windage tray(sorry no pic), and 7a aluminum oil pan


Then almost 18 months later it went in!

A little more put together


A shot of the K24 turbo in there.

UrQ downpipe all wrapped up, and ready to go in


Ground the intake manifold to it with the 10mm phenolic spacer.


Intercooler figured out!


And I was even able to get the factory fog lights to fit by welding on some VERY short cast 90 elbows to the intercooler


Final open front end pic. That BOV is crazy loud, it scares people on the sidewalks!

Then finally all together and looking like a car again.

Some time earlier, the decision had been made to go EFI, to a good friend of mine built my MS2 V3.0


Of course I had to find a tons of other little thing to go with it, but I will not bore you guys with all that.


Wiring hell!

Oh, and some time in there it got a brake upgrade. G60 caliper, 276mm rotors, braided lines, and quality pads.

Some time later, with lots of help from a couple people both near and far this happened! http://vid1100.photobucket.com/albums/g403/de80q/VID_20140511_184947_zpsudcbhabo.mp4 Then it was a mad rush to get it on the street, so that I could make it to the Carlisle car show last year. I had been there for the previous 2 years, but never in my 80, as the trans blew right before the first year I was to go. It made it, but was running PIG rich, and a number of other things weren't quite right.

  This is where I will leave it for now. There is plenty more to go on with, but this should be more than long enough for most people. I will update more later. Thanks for reading.

RossD PowerDork
2/19/15 12:10 p.m.

Thanks for sharing! Nice project

edizzle89 Reader
2/19/15 12:20 p.m.

i love old 5 cylinder audi stuff, that thing is awesome!

de80q New Reader
2/20/15 12:32 a.m.

Thanks guys. This has been an experience. I was pretty good with old veedubs when I was a teenager, but Audi's were pretty new to me. I drove my friend's '91 80q with some minor mods, and fell in love. That's when we went on the hunt for this one. My first post took us to May 2014, so I will try to get it to present day this morning after work.

de80q Reader
2/20/15 10:36 a.m.

I forgot to mention, in the pic from the car show, the car is sitting on B&G S2 springs, so that brought the height down a little over an inch from the factory sport springs. Now lets move on after the show. Well right after it anyway. On the way home from the Carlisle event, I followed a friend onto the turn Pike. I should have had no problem keeping up with his EFI converted MK2 Jetta, so I pushed on the throttle a little harder and longer than I had before, and BANG! I had no clue what had happened, but it shure scared me pretty good. We pulled over on the side of the road, and popped the hood, to find that one of my couplers had blown off the pipe. I was only hitting 12psi then so needless to say, I wasnt expecting that. I made up a crimp tool, and went to town crimping the ends of all the pipes so this doesn't happen again


 I then finally purchased the items needed to attach an air filter to the turbo, as I was running with 4 layers of window screen over the inlet of the turbo so I could get to and from the show with nothing jumping in there


Soon after that, I decided that I wanted to be able to tune my suspension, and came across a person selling a premade DIY coil over setup, the only problem was they came with 6" springs in the 700lbs and 800lbs variety.

They were too short, and WAY too stiff. I sold those off, and picked up some 7" 350's for the front and some 8" 375's for the rear. Those should be much nicer to drive on with the Koni inserts. Sorry, only ever got around to putting the rears together so far. I have a pretty good range of adjustment there!


Shorty there after, I found a pretty rare set of wheels, and they were local and cheap too! These wheels were mainly found on the Euro 80 competition, and also on the last 2 years of the Cabriolet, here in the states.


Made for the Votex OEM/Aftermarket line! Pretty clean too

Hopefully these will be fitted with a set of tires in time for the show this year.


So, as luck would have it, after months of back and forth emails with my tuning guy(thank god for him, I just cant seem to get the hang of tweaking the VE tables), things were looking and running great!

Driving video1 Driving video2

And just for the fun of it, here is what the beast sounds like with no load, I had a lot of people wanting to know how it sounded on other forums, so I made this quick vid. I have a Urq down pipe, catless mid pipe, and a complete Stebro exhaust. Basicaly, its a catless 2.5" exhaust with a resonator, and a muffler. NO DRONE! Pure exhaust sound


Wasnt long after that, I had another major setback. While taking a good friend out for a ride, I lost 2nd, 4th, and 5th gear and it sounded like I was dragging the transmission under the car! what a horrible sound. So after checking to make sure everything was still hooked up externally, we decided I needed to find another trans. So as luck would have it, a guy who was already buying parts from me, just happened to have one sitting in his shed, well chicken coupe. This is how I got it.

After a good pressure washing at work


Then we had to put it in. Lucky for me, a good friend let me use his shop to do this project. I cant tell you how nice it was to have a lift, and real tools at your finger tips to use.


After that, I was actually able to drive the car for a while! It was quite nice. Still working out bugs in the tune, but it was coming along nicely. Then one day, I noticed that my IAT was constantly at 70F, and it was 90F outside! Well this cant be good. So I pulled out the sensor, and sure enough, the thermister came undone from the conestor. I had this problem years ago with a 2G eclipse 420a. So I decided it needed to be moved from the quite hot intake manifold, to the boost pipe right before the throttle body.

Then, it was time for MORE TUNING! I really wish I could do this better myself, but for some reason I cant get my head around it very well. Flash forward a month or so, and I get a phone call. Its my friend who had the EFI'd jetta. He had recently sold it, and now his company was taking away the company cars on the weekends. Needless to say, he wanted mine for a while. I told hit it was fine, just needed to install the new starter. Another tow job later, he had the car. He ended up replacing the battery, and the starter

Then cleaned up my ecu and gauges

  It wasn't long after he had it that he figured out why my coolant would just kind of dissapear under heavy loads. A leak down test showed I was losing coolant into all 5 cylinders! I wasn't very happy to not even get 5k miles out of a head gasket.

So off with its head again. This time we installed an MLS gasket.

Then I get a call saying Im losing a lot of oil quickly. It was running down the CV shaft of all places. Turns out one of my oil cooler lines had rubbed on the body, and rubbed through. We didn't even try to get the 28 year old fittings apart, I just got another whole cooler assembly and installed tha, with some protection for the lines.


Then he decided it was time to fix the cluster. The clock had bled out, and the tach had decided to stop working. Replaced the clock with one from a B4, and re-soldered a couple joints on the board. Oh, and then he replaced the odom. gear so that will work again.

Almost to the present. About 3 weeks ago, he told me that he has had to put in a quart of oil to every 1k miles. it doesnt burn it, or I would have plumbs of smoke from the tail pipes. The only thing I can figure, is that the front seal on the turbo is bad, and it filling up my intercooler with 5w40. Not good. So I decided it was time to build my hybrid turbo. This turbo consists of a Porsche K26/6 turbine and exhaust housing, Audi K26 center section, and a turbonetics to4e compressor wheel and housing. The rotating assembly is currently out being ballanced, and the new exhaust housing will hopefully show up soon. Im looking forward to seeing how this turbo compares to the K24 I am currently running, which we believe to be modified. We are not exactly sure how it was modified, but it spools faster than a known factory K24 on a 20vt, and the guy sold it to another friend of mine as an "upgrade" to the turbo on his 200 20vt. Should be interesting. Hopefully I will have my car back here soon though. Now that we are pretty much done with his B4q 1.8t swap, I should be able to get it back! I will post more when I can. Thanks for reading.

ssswitch Reader
2/20/15 11:14 p.m.

Awesome thread. I love those 5-cylinder Audis.

I didn't realize the MS2 could drive them, I figured I had to wait until at least the MS3 in order to get a CIS-E system converted over to sequential fire. Are you just running wasted spark?

de80q New Reader
2/20/15 11:43 p.m.
ssswitch wrote: Awesome thread. I love those 5-cylinder Audis. I didn't realize the MS2 could drive them, I figured I had to wait until at least the MS3 in order to get a CIS-E system converted over to sequential fire. Are you just running wasted spark?

The MS2 runs using batch fire injection, and I am currently running a single coil and a 5 window distributer from an NG for ignition/timing. That will soon be changed to a 60-2 wheel and a single window distributer for better timing. Eventually I will be upgrading to MS3X, but this car was built on a somewhat tight budget. My wife and kid come first before I spend money on parts. That's why it sat for 2 years.

de80q New Reader
2/23/15 10:38 a.m.

I recieved word last night, that I am now blowing quite a bit of blue smoke from the tail pipes. I guess the exhaust side seal is now out as well on the K24. Hopefully the hybrid turbo will be back soon.

de80q New Reader
3/5/15 9:28 a.m.

As it turns out, the check valve between the intake manifold and the vacuum pump has gone bad. So I am introducing boost pressure to the oil passages in the head. That would explain a lot of the oil loss and leakage from the turbo, and other places on the engine. I'm going to replace it with a billet version, and hopefully that will take care of things until I can get the hybrid turbo built and installed.

de80q New Reader
3/15/15 9:09 a.m.

So put some good check valves in, and still getting enough pressure passing into the crankcase to pop the dipstick out of the tube. I'm now leaning towards the well worn K24 letting pressure pass from the compressor housing into the center section. I was already building the hybrid turbo, so that will let us know.

de80q Reader
3/20/15 4:54 a.m.

My new indestructible motor and trans mounts showed up yesterday.

It will be nice to put these in place of the collapsed 034 mounts I have now. Over the next couple days, all the parts for my hybrid turbo should be here. Then its just a matter of putting it all back together, then on the car!

de80q Reader
5/14/15 2:58 a.m.

So, its been a while, but a lot of work has gotten done. Mounts installed, trans resealed, CV joints up front got new boots, vacuum system revamped, Bilstein HD's installed in rear, 80 comp. wheels with 215/45/16 tires installed, breather system revamped, and a number of other items I can't think of off hand. Now that it is drive able again, it will be at the Carlisle car show this weekend. Not that its a show car, but its fun being with the other Audi people there. Now I guess its pic time.



Almost forgot, I installed my euro 80 tails. Nothing spectacular, but a subtle change. The reverse lenses are smoked. Here is a pic to show the difference.

The hybrid turbo is not installed yet. Turns out there isn't anything wrong with my K24. The breather line I had installed decided to collapse. That is what was causing the pressurized block. After replacing the 1/2" hose with a 1" hose, the problems went away. Hopefully soon the hybrid will go on. I'm only running waist gate spring pressure of 10psi for now. When the new turbo goes in, I will install the N75 and turn up the boost. Should be fun!

de80q New Reader
7/1/15 8:24 a.m.

Again, been a while. Made it too and from the Carlisle show, but not with out indecent. I am haveing some minor tuning issues when its hot out, was hitting 10psi, running 15:1 Afr. Needless to say, not exactly good. I also managed to melt the PS poly insert on the motor mount. So, I ordered a replacement for that, the compete rear diff setup, and the poly subframe mounts. Hopefully that will take care of the suspension noise issues.

I have also picked up an 01E 5speed trans. These are much stronger than the 01A that came in this car. I also have picked up a modified linkage and a JHM shifter for the setup. The mount arms for the trans are almost done, and the 4k drive shaft I need should be being picked up in a couple days.

I also sold the hybrid turbo. I did this because a friend of mine has decided its time to make an equal length tube header. He is going to make that for me, he has multiple mockup chassis. Going to attach an HY35 to that. Should spool up pretty nicely. Will be interesting to see what kind of difference it makes.

I'll post some more pics soon.

Pwndbymustang New Reader
7/4/15 10:43 a.m.

Nice build! I ran MS3x in my car for a while and was pretty nice till i went to my new setup. Also I like the simulated bead roll on the intercooler piping :P You will like the 01E for sure, its the way to go for sure.

2K4Kcsq Reader
7/4/15 6:44 p.m.

Cool! Glad to see yours on grm since it seems like we are 2 of about 5 people building 10vt setups right now. I never knew of all the transmission problems you have had over the years.

914Driver MegaDork
7/4/15 8:43 p.m.

Wow! Welcome aboard.

de80q New Reader
7/6/15 11:01 p.m.

In reply to 914Driver: Thanks, there are a lot of awesome builds here, so figured I might as well throw mine on.

de80q New Reader
7/6/15 11:04 p.m.

In reply to 2K4Kcsq:

There aren't many of us 10v guys left. Most have moved on to the 20v for the power potential. I just love how these old 10v sound!

As for the trans issues, I keep getting told that "I" most be doing somthing wrong. There are a number of people running AAN's and 3B's on the 01A trans with no issue. Maybe its the fact that I actually drive mine hard enough to breK things, and not baby it... Who knows...

de80q New Reader
7/6/15 11:07 p.m.

In reply to Pwndbymustang:

With the forthcoming header and turbo upgrade the MS3X and 01E upgrades are a must. These damn 01A trans's are just too flexy with their all alum. case, and batch fire injection probably won't handle the power levels I'm looking at.

de80q Reader
8/10/15 8:16 p.m.

It's been a while, but nothing to really roport until now. I got a package from angrytaco today! Now I can finish up the suspension work, and hopefully the care of the thumping rear diff!

Hopefully I can sell a few more things soon. Then I can get the front Koni's I need for the coilover!

de80q Reader
8/17/15 2:52 p.m.

This showed up today, 2.2bar wastegate spring.

My original thought was to install this with the K24, and have some fun until my new setup is ready. The more I'm thinking about it, I may just say screw it and install the N75. Not really sure which way will be better. I also ordered something today I hope will work. I want to upgrade the rear sway bar, but not to the 26mm bar. Hopefully what I grabbed will work. More details to come on this.

de80q Reader
9/11/15 5:16 p.m.

Received a few more parts yesterday. Very soon I will be upgrading to MS3X!


I have also ordered a set of LS coils and a few other odds and ends to get things moving along better. Should be fun to run all new harnesses.

de80q Reader
9/27/15 2:33 p.m.

I now have most of what I need to upgrade to MS3x. If I didn't want to go to individual coils, I would have everything.

I also decided to update my stereo system for my birthday. I installed. Set of polk component speakers in the rear, and install an NOS blaupunt head unit. Sounds about better now!


Then today I decided to finally fix the failing wiring in my truck. As expected, where the harness bends, the wires were toast.


I replaced about 4" of wire in each lead to remove all the fatigued wire. Now everything works as it should in my trunk! Woohoo for small victories!

de80q Reader
10/12/15 9:58 a.m.

So as my luck would have it, the fuel pump has died. So I pulicked up a very minoy used 044 "race pump" from a guy on the motorgeek forum. It came with AN adaptor fittings, so I'll have to find some OE fittings so it will mate to my OEM fuel lines. I don't want to run all new fuel lines just yet.


The car will be towed to a friends shop to do the repairs and upgrades. I still need to pick up a set of LS2 coils and a universal MSD wire set.

de80q Reader
11/7/15 4:24 a.m.

I got my LS coils! Tonight at work I have 1hr worth of billable work, so I decided it was a good time to make up a rack to hold them. Here is my "home made" rack. The plan it to make up a piece to mount it on, on the DS of the engine bay.

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