Since being bit by the miata bug and driven the rusty supercharged NA for a few events, I decided to find a nicer NB chassis to move up to. Unfortunately, I chose the absolute worst time to do this, hardly any decent NB cars were listed. The goal was to find a clean enough chassis to start with, something with at least working A/C and power steering.
When Lof8 Andy posted this up, I could not resist. Why not start with an incredily clean chassis from Florida and thrash it in Michigan's brutal rallycross circuit? In seriousness, I won't be driving it in the winter or salty season and a trailer purchase for rallycross travel was in my plans already, so this might just work out. I had a vacation already planned in Florida, and I worked out plans with Andy to pick it up during my trip and drive it home.
Long-term Plans:
- Suspension
- Bilstein w/ coilover conversion
- OR FM Fox Coilovers
- Engine
- Supercharger swap from the rusty NA (yes, it will require many new parts)
- Megasquirt PNP
- Wheel/Tire setups:
- 14" 7-spoke NA wheels, Alpha Eurocross 14" tires
- 15" NB wheels with whatever winter tires I have on hand
- Skid plates and mud flaps
- Vinyl wrap for paint protection and cool points
The goal of the project is to build an enjoyable and reliable RWD rallycross toy for MR class, that can also be driven on the street during the summer months with a tire swap.