Bought it, which was always the eventual plan. Just got done sooner than expected. Plus I was expecting to be able to have the trailer before having the car out of the shop.
Well, time flies. I did some more painting though admittedly not much. Not enough really. What I did do is take the car out and by my new job yesterday, then while I was nearby I went over to Old Hickory Lake and took some pictures.
Things have moved along a bit. Took the suspension down and painted it the darker blue to match the nose and roll bar last week. Then traded some wiring work for my buddy to have him start on the supercharger connections. He's better with aluminum than I am so happy to make the trade. With luck it won't be too awful long until the supercharger stuff is done.
Another update, some work has been done on the cylinder head side of the intake. The coolant manifold part is done and I've got some AN stuff ordered to hook the other two ports on the head to the manifold.
To go with that I made an adapter piece to get from the carburetor to the air box and filter.
Hoping to get back to working the supercharger plumbing this weekend. Along with that AN stuff I've ordered a basic tuning set for the Holley and decided to get a different supercharger pulley, something to not work it quite as hard. At least until I see what it's actually going to do on this engine.
AN coolant hoses from the ends of the cylinder head to the intake log. Also the rubber boot to hook up the air filter box
Some simple pictures of the end setup ..sort of. I think I still need some sort of additional throttle return spring.
And we're driving
Two brief trips around the shop, had to bump the primary jets first to around. Started to run leaner than desired up around 2500rpm just on the front two barrels. Out of the box they were 73s so I bumped to 76s. Second run the AFRs looked good so I got into the four barrel. The AFR even with the carb wide open looked ok and it was able to build a little boost. I did hear what I believe was some detonation around 4200rpm though.
Back to the "pit" and I backed the timing off a few degrees. Not much in the way of boost there with the larger pulley, maybe 3 pounds, but the car felt very quick. Also it's really hot and humid out right now and the car doesn't seem bothered by the temperature so that's great news. No videos yet unfortunately.
Made it through the day without the car breaking or getting pulled over and yelled at. Ended up doing what was probably a handful of miles without going to crazy. I backed the timing a couple degrees and still had what sounded like detonation, so I pulled back and back off a couple more. At that point I didn't hear that detonation any more which made me sure that's what was happening, but the timing down low ended up being noticeably soft and I had to turn in the throttle stop and screw in the mixture screws slightly. Also with less overall timing at RPM the engine was running too rich under WOT. So I backed a size up on the secondary jets and got some fittings to hook up the vacuum advance on the distributor, but didn't have any vacuum tubing.
There is an Oreilly Autoparts out by the main road so naturally I set up the T fitting on the vacuum line to the blower bypass solenoid and then capped it and went to Oreilly in the car with a pair of cutters and some zip ties in my pocket and get the line installed in the parking lot. Things seemed pretty good after that, the idle RPM with the added ignition advance was high but it cruises very very well now. It's more rich than you'd call perfect but I'm not to bothered by that now, I feel like I need slightly smaller power valves in it but wasn't sure what I had in my tuning kit available and honestly didn't even check. It'd probably be beneficial to drop a size on the accelerator pump nozzles as well so I may do that after work at some point next week. It was a day out in the sun in the heat and working with the engine heat and I was just done for the day.
The car took everything like a champ though. I did a bolt check of the suspension at one point and it was all OK. There was never any evidence of any coolant leaks or fuel leaks or anything coming from the new intake stuff and the car never attempted to overheat or anything. I do have to break down and replace that coolant temperature gauge though, it was cutting in and out all day so that sucks but as far as problems go it's essentially nothing. All in all a successful day.
Rundown of last night, and a bit from this morning of racecar related goings. I went over to the Glennbrook Shopping Center in Hendersonville last night for their cruise in getting there shortly after 5 as it's right up the road from work. I had a few people come up to me to ask about the car before I'd really even been there five minutes.
After talking and answer questions or them for several minutes I was able to get away and to some shade, sitting under a tree several parking spaces away from the car and just watching the people come up and try and figure out what it was. I did out myself as the owner after about thirty minutes when I got up and put my now empty water bottle in the car for disposal later so interacted with a couple more people then.
Once those folks had enough I decided to amble around a bit. There were a couple AMXs there which are always neat to see, a cool old Dodge motorhome that looked late sixties/early seventies, and a newer Hellcat powered Dodge that someone had swapped a 68-70 Charger body onto that was extremely well done, just to name a few that stuck out. Walking around I was looking back at my car and there were pretty much constantly people around it looking and taking pictures.
The end of the evening for me came when the sun began going down as I didn't have the lights on the front and had to be back parked for the night before it got dusky even. I was walking around again when I noticed the sun getting low so I went back over to the car and took off my hat and sunglasses and there were two guys at the car when I got over and one started talking and asking questions, and after talking to him for a few the other guy who I can only assume was a friend interrupted the other guy and said "To heck with the talk I want to hear it, will you start it for me?" Planning on leaving soon anyway I went ahead and started the car and allowed it to warm up, and while I had it running probably 20 to 30 people came walking over with a sizeable number of them having their phones out presumably taking videos.
I shut the car off and chatted with a couple more guys before apologizing for the failing light and taking off. Parked the car at the shop for the night, then went and brought it home this morning. My new coolant temperature replacement gauge showed up yesterday so I put that on before heading out this morning and am happy to say that problem of the coolant temperature gauge cutting in and out does seem to be resolved. So the car is back at the house now, and back in the trailer at this point. was hot last night, and it was hot this morning. Ready for summer to be over already.
Just an incredible build.
Reading through your most recent posts, I'm now realizing we're in the same state!
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