Finally got clutch switch input figured out.
When I initially tried to get it working I found a row of resistors on the v6 ECU that were not on the v8 ECU. Swapped those over with no change so I figured there was something up with the software. Well, turns out I just needed to spend more time with the multimeter tracing things. There are 10 resistors in total that need swapped from the v6 board to the v8 board to get clutch switch input working.
In the first picture those pads are all blank on the v8 ecu. In the second picture the two left most circled resistors are black 1 ohm resistors on the v8 ecu, these brown ones are 20 ohm.
Until proven otherwise I'm going to claim this is the worlds first fully functional manual swapped M273 Mercedes.
How did the V8 ECU control cruise control when mated to all it's "regular" stuff? What you're doing here is fascinating....
docwyte said:How did the V8 ECU control cruise control when mated to all it's "regular" stuff? What you're doing here is fascinating....
In stock automatic coding the v8 uses ABS and the output shaft rpm sensor on the automatic transmission to take inputs for cruise control, in manual coding it only uses ABS for the inputs. Without a functioning clutch pedal position switch the engine ecu defaults to "clutch depressed" behavior, so you can't turn cruise control on and you have a 5500 RPM rev limit.
peanutpckrupper said:Finally got clutch switch input figured out.
When I initially tried to get it working I found a row of resistors on the v6 ECU that were not on the v8 ECU. Swapped those over with no change so I figured there was something up with the software. Well, turns out I just needed to spend more time with the multimeter tracing things. There are 10 resistors in total that need swapped from the v6 board to the v8 board to get clutch switch input working.
In the first picture those pads are all blank on the v8 ecu. In the second picture the two left most circled resistors are black 1 ohm resistors on the v8 ecu, these brown ones are 20 ohm.
Until proven otherwise I'm going to claim this is the worlds first fully functional manual swapped M273 Mercedes.
This is good news for me
In reply to peanutpckrupper :
Man, how are you figuring all this stuff out? That you needed to move those resistors from one ECU to the other, etc?
In reply to docwyte :
It's all on the internet! JK!
I too am amazed at the skill level on this thread.
docwyte said:In reply to peanutpckrupper :
Man, how are you figuring all this stuff out? That you needed to move those resistors from one ECU to the other, etc?
Wiring diagrams say the clutch switch wires in to pin 26, pin 26 traces to one set of resistors, those resistors trace to another set of resistors, which trace to the third set of resistors, which terminate at a chip that google said "takes sensor inputs".
If I paid more attention going over the boards a few months back it would have been easy to see the differences and make the changes that needed to be made.
Datsun240ZGuy said:In reply to docwyte :
It's all on the internet! JK!
I too am amazed at the skill level on this thread.
It's all on the internet now!
Man, I just came across this, and I will say the way you did all this pleases me internally. its not a hack job; it was done right. I was searching around to see if anyone had done a swap like this because I wanted to do it myself, and well, its basically right in front of me. lol I'm curious: would you of done it with a M156 engine instead, or was this the better option?
Xanderscrib said:Man, I just came across this, and I will say the way you did all this pleases me internally. its not a hack job; it was done right. I was searching around to see if anyone had done a swap like this because I wanted to do it myself, and well, its basically right in front of me. lol I'm curious: would you of done it with a M156 engine instead, or was this the better option?
I appreciate that! I've been trying to keep everything OEM as best as I can.
M156 would be cool, but I don't think they're worth the extra cost vs the horsepower increase. If I had to do everything over again I would still use the M273.
In reply to peanutpckrupper :
yeah your doing great man i really enjoy this
yeah i can agree maybe its a little too much money for an m156 maybe if they where cheaper and you had ironed out all the issues cause they are prone to a couple of dumb issues, but otherwise, do you think the m273 is capable of more power?
Man. I just drove this glk '550' earlier this evening. Has all the torque in the world and pulls like a coyote Mustang. I was not expecting it to be that fast. Very smooth and quiet as well.
I'm a huge fan. Now, I'll be looking for a glk to do the same swap.
This is completely unnecessary, but I saw a parameter in the variant coding for the engine ecu called "switching recommendation". There's also a parameter in the instrument cluster called "shift recommendation". Enabled both of those and now I have a little gear recommendation indicator. Again, completely unnecessary but I thought it was neat.
In reply to yupididit :
Yeah like "Hey you're cruising at 2k RPM, shift up to 5th"
Also to avoid lugging the engine it recommends downshifting too.
In reply to peanutpckrupper :
totally unnecessary in GRM world, but just one more detail that makes this swap look and act so completely OE. well done!
Alright, so this post about the v8/6mt swap makes me want to v8 swap a 2009-2011 6mt c300 and make it a sleeper. Supossibly, people have done it. What do yall think?
kinda like a c550 in a sense, the m273 is very capable cause my father owned a w211 e550 and it was FAST that thing MOVED so i think it'd be a good idea especially since the c chassis is lighter, thoughts? anthing i should know before i do the swap like any known issues of the m273?
EDIT: i just want an opinion i'll end up making my own topic on it.
In reply to Xanderscrib :
Me and the OP discussed the C-class swap the other day. He sent me this Link very informative.
I think you should do it. I'm currently looking for a cheap glk or c300 to do the swap.
peanutpckrupper said:Finally got clutch switch input figured out.
When I initially tried to get it working I found a row of resistors on the v6 ECU that were not on the v8 ECU. Swapped those over with no change so I figured there was something up with the software. Well, turns out I just needed to spend more time with the multimeter tracing things. There are 10 resistors in total that need swapped from the v6 board to the v8 board to get clutch switch input working.
In the first picture those pads are all blank on the v8 ecu. In the second picture the two left most circled resistors are black 1 ohm resistors on the v8 ecu, these brown ones are 20 ohm.
Until proven otherwise I'm going to claim this is the worlds first fully functional manual swapped M273 Mercedes.
just FYI to anyone else reading, those last "brown ones" are not resistors, they are capacitors.
In reply to peanutpckrupper :
im in va in the Fredericksburg area and I'm planning this swap on my 07 211 wagon. Any recommendations on programming/ parts for 4matic on motor so as id be able to source a 273 from something none 4matic as I'm sure we all know there aren't many 211 550 4matics out there in salvage yards. Thanks
aslo love to come check out the Glk sometime!!
I don't really know anything about the 211's, but you'll need to source an engine based on what your subframe needs not necessarily 4matic/rwd. For example my GLK is rwd but the subframe is built for 4matic so I need to use a 4matic upper oil pan.
Programming should use the same tools I used but again, I don't really know about the 211's.
In reply to peanutpckrupper :I was planning on getting the upper and lower oil pan for a 211 v8 4matic if I'm not able to get an engine from 211 4matic. On the 211's the front axles go through the upper oil pan.
Can you help me or can I send you my ecu for programming? I understand the ecu can be changed from v6 to v8 on 211's if not I can buy ecu. If needed I can buy c3/c4 set up... I'm just not familiar with what or even have to use it.
also we are not far apart maybe you have time for a part time project.
im 43 from up north originally so bare with lol but I've heard something about a cars & coffee?
Maybe we could bump heads at one if it's a thing.
thanks for your quick reply!!! I really wanna make this s211 v8 4matic happen. I've put cls63 bbk. And c63 mufflers quite a few years back and with miles I have the engine is on the menu
In reply to peanutpckrupper :
Hey do you have info on company that programmed your key as I need a new key & all I'm working with is my emergency key that only starts car but won't lock or unlock car.
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