Today was move the Suprang day.
First order of business was to get it rolling easier. If you're keeping count we had what we thought was two stuck brakes that made it very hard to winch.
We popped the passenger front wheel off as I knew it was stuck and removed the caliper. That was easy enough to get it free.
Next we went to passenger rear. Jacked it up and found that it spun free. Decided to check the caliper anyway and wtf the wheel won't come off. Well it turns so next!
Driver's rear the wheel is stuck on also but the wheel doesn't turn. Put a breaker bar on a lug nut and broke it free pretty easy. Did it in a full 360 to get all the rust spots off.
Finally driver's front. Again a stuck wheel but even with a breaker bar I can't get it to rotate more than 30 degrees.
So final count was three locked up wheels and three stuck on wheels. We decided to start winching hoping the last caliper would free up and left the lug nuts slightly loose in hopes the wheels would pop off.
Within the first ten feet the last caliper let free and I carefully maneuvered Suprang to the drive way where the ground is more stable to jack it up.
The three wheels didn't pop loose but I got it to it's next workshop about 50 feet closer to three Challenge.
Hey I did some stuff.
First thing this morning I finished making wide jack stands.
Jacked up the rear and then the front.
Went to O Riley's and picked up the above filters. Got WIX cause that's how I got to roll to make 759NRNG happy.
Got back and put in the new gas filter.
Air Filter
Then I started the oil change. Looked down at this and got a little scared.
Got my oil filter wrenches out, had trouble getting them to fit in there and then said maybe it's hand tight? Sure enough it was. New filter in place. I really need to figure out something for filling this with oil. Only place is the breather and there's a baffle under the cap. Took me 30 minutes to get the oil in because I had to pour it so slow.
Went down to the marina a few blocks away. Bought 5 gallons of ethanol free tax free not for road use gas. I'm just going to call it race gas. Put that in the tank and misplaced the gas cap. Found it and then said Woody told my dumbass that's why the 65s had a teather on them. Attached it.
And to finish out the day I put the new carb on that I got from National Carb.
Stampie, so for those of us following along at home that might not know, can you give a rundown of all the cars/trucks/etc that you have in the yard? I know you have Suprang, a 70's Vette, a blue? turbo? Miata, lil stampie's Miata... what else is hanging around in the background?
untchabl said:Stampie, so for those of us following along at home that might not know, can you give a rundown of all the cars/trucks/etc that you have in the yard? I know you have Suprang, a 70's Vette, a blue? turbo? Miata, lil stampie's Miata... what else is hanging around in the background?
Ok I'll start in the front and work to the back. We have my 96 Miata, Lil Stampie's 93 Miata, 88 K30, 77 Corvette, 2002 2500 Suburban, Rigamort (SBC Bugeye Sprite), 25 Model T, 28 Model A, Igor (Europa), Lil Stampie's Audi 4000CS Quattro, Suprang, 76 BMW 2002, Darth Nader, Parts 76 BMW 2002, and the blue turbo nitrous 91 Miata.
Fist bump Bro on the go to after having been a Fram forever. Hey where in the scheme/agenda of things does the 'DNader' stand? I it challenge eligible?
Some days you just spin your wheels. Started off with needing to open the driver's door. It has been backed into years back by a delivery driver which pushed the driver's fender onto the door. Loosened all the bolts and pried around to see where it needed to move. Came up with shimming it out. Used a twig. Free to budget.
I started it again for a couple of seconds then thought about it better. My cut off switch is currently just the battery. If the alternator comes on no way to cut off ignition. We need a switch!
Also in cranking I noticed that the power steering belt wasn't moving. Look at it more closely and realized it was flipped with the V out. Flipped it around and put it back on. Cranked a few more (trying to get the fuel pump going) and it half flipped again.
That reminded me of the scorpion and the frog story. You can't change someone's nature.
Somewhere in here I removed the driver's homemade vent window after it cut me the second time.
Think the fuel pump is bad. I have another one here that I bought for the 351w. Also the clutch pedal goes down with no resistance and doesn't return. I already ordered both cylinders in hopes that means I wouldn't need them. That failed.
So yeah that's where I am.
And WAY below budget....YEAH!!!!
and the extra wide stands didn't require any more cutting cuz they were all that size to begin with?
In reply to 759NRNG :
I repurposed some cuts I already had but still had to make a few cuts. The screwing together is what takes the longest time.
Just realized that the GM HEI for Ford distribitor won't work because it's for 351w and they are taller. Then I looked up the fuel pump and it won't work either. Berk me. Going to order stuff.
In reply to 759NRNG :
Excellent segway to what I need to update. I'm going to go through everything and will come back and edit this as I catch up.
Suprang $500
Gas cap $48.84
Battery $29.87
Battery hardware $2.59
Battery cables $17.38
10mm bolt $0.65
GMT400 terminal $0.67
Wire $0.50
Switch $1.07
Wire Terminals $0.21
Carb $299.00
Oil Filter $12.99
Gas Filter $6.99
Air Filter $16.99
4 guage ring terminal $2.15
Big brake hubs $65.98
Brakes Exempt
Total cost $1005.88
Front Clip and Rear Axle $1000
Possible AC self trade fodder
W58 Trans and bellhousing
C4 Trans and bellhousing
Current total budget $505.88
Remember I have an estimated $1500 in easy to FMV self trade fodder and another $1000 in harder to FMV in self trade fodder.
Totally forgot that I have 4 1982 Supra wheels that I won't use in the Challenge. Add another $800 in FMV self trade fodder.
Ordered today and not installed HEI distribitor, harness, and fuel pump.
I didn't include the two nuts I spent so much time looking for because the old coil terminals were the same size so I moved them over.
I didn't include the new coil I bought because I'm going with HEI.
Coming up $80 wheels and exempt autocross tires. Also IIRC $150 drag tires and probably $300 in drag rims.
Work kicked my behind today. I wasn't planning on doing much anyway since I'm waiting on parts. Yesterday I sprayed the three stuck wheels with CRC Freeze off (was in the high roller gift bag we got last Challenge) so I went to spray them again. Drivers front is actually freed up now. I sprayed the rear two again but I have a feeling I'll do the drive it with loose lug nuts trick.
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