Story by Steven Cole Smith • Photography by Patrick Tremblay, Dirk De Jager, Cadillac, Chuck Andersen, Bentley, April Silverstone, and Stuart Adams Fotographik
“No way will there ever be vintage racing at Daytona, because, France said, ‘I don’t want blood on my hands!’”

Ford Heacock III and his family are from Sebring, Florida, and helped get Sebring International Raceway up and …
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Totally my opinion of course but I think vintage racing is in a good place. I run with VARA and I think they have good philosophy as probably do most clubs. What I like about vintage is there is a bit of extra respect that one doesn't always get at modern races.
The big name events should be the cream of the crop but at club level I like the rolling dates. I also think it was wise that they started including things like early Miatas.
The increase in Japanese cars resonates with me and not just because I race a Datsun. Nissan was building cars before Porsche & Ferarri and excluding Nissan/Datsun seems snobbish to me. Many iconic Japanese cars are 40-50 years old and so how do you not include them.
New Reader
5/23/19 10:02 p.m.
The link for Historic Sportscar Racing is not - That leads to Health Services Research website.
Once i get my '67 Mustang Coupe back on the road i hope i can find one of these organizations close to me in order to run some track days and maybe get my license to run in groups. I think it's great that this is available to the weekend racer and as mentioned spaced out vs. one venue every weekend across the country.
5/29/19 9:11 p.m.
I race with SOVREN here in the PNW and they've take note from other clubs and have change the rules to allow a wider range of "vintage" cars. I don't they excluded anyone with a safe car, ex-NASCAR's included, there's a "catch-all" grid for the exotic odd-balls. Fifteen new members were at the Spring Sprints last month which saw plenty of track time and that's keeps everyone happy. The repaving of over half the track at Pacific Raceways in Seattle helps too. A good time was had by all.
What a great track, sort of mini Nurburgring. The motor in your car so sweet, to bad you had that pesky C-sedan in your group.........can't trust those guys (Note I race C-sedan).
5/31/19 10:30 p.m.
In reply to Tom1200 :
Yup, those C-sedan guys are all outlaws, can't trust any of them....hah.
Now that most vintage racing geoups are allowing cars form the '70s-'80s (and even the '90s) the fields are starting to swell. I've raced my '87 Mercedes 190E 2.3-16 with VARAC at Mosport and SVRA at Pitt Race:

Huge fields in the "modern vintage" classes. Tons of E30 M3s, air-cooled Porsches, Fox bodies, Hondas, Mazdas, etc.

I for one think it's great as well as wise that 90s cars are on the grids at vintage races. These cars are 20-30 years old, with the advent of track days and the likes of Lemons, clubs have to be flexible if they want to remain healthy. Plus the cars are really cool.
Dougie see the link below this is my most recent race. When the video starts I'm two cars ahead of the camera car (Alfa GTV), the Volvo 544 just ahead is my friend who passes me at the 1 minute mark after that I'm the meat in the sandwich. I'm in the Red 1200 #27. Note this was the glorious battle for 16th-18th, I started on the last row due to a problem in the qualifying race and started 23rd and finished 17th.
6/16/19 11:37 p.m.
Tom -
Nice run, I haven't made it to Buttonwillow yet. It looks at lot like my home track of PIR, except we're a lot greener up north. Both tracks flat with a technical corners and no banking. When I make it down to Cali, it's been Laguna Seca, Sears Point, or Thunderhill. Willow Springs and Buttonwillow are still on the hit list. That Volvo looks like the one that ran with us in 2014 at the Portland Historics. Here's one of the races from my pals TR4, I'm about 4 cars up.
I’m working on restoring a tube frame Ford Pinto bodied ex GT3 car , it’ll have a proper 2 LT Pinto motor , can any one tell where I would be able to race and have some fun ? I have contact a few vintage sanctioning body and i wasn’t given much encouragement, I appreciate any help , thanks
pizzaman1 said:
I’m working on restoring a tube frame Ford Pinto bodied ex GT3 car , it’ll have a proper 2 LT Pinto motor , can any one tell where I would be able to race and have some fun ?
Some vintage race groups might specifically disallow tube-framed cars. Can't remember which ones off the top of my head, but I've seen that kind of language used in some of the rulebooks. Other groups (like VARAC in Canada) don't seem to care much at all: if it's old and cool, you can run it.
pizzaman1 said:
I have contact a few vintage sanctioning body and i wasn’t given much encouragement, I appreciate any help , thanks
Where are you located?
6/17/19 9:23 a.m.
In reply to pizzaman1 :
We've got an exhibition class in SOVERN where you could probably run.
Dougie, yep it's the same car.
@pizzman1 it appears SVRA has a class for your car. You may end up in a catch all class in with cars that will outgun yours but as witnessed by the videos above that doesn't mean you won't have a lot of fun. VRG doesn't seem to have a catch all class but I suspect if you approach them gently they will find a place for you. Addtionally both groups have events events close to you (Mid-ohio 75 miles and Pittrace 100 miles). Basically you may have to tell the sanctioning bodies that you simply want a place to run the car and don't really care what class your in. As SVRA runs tube frame Trans-Am cars you shouldn't have aproblem.
Thank to all that replied to my question , I have since found a softer stance from the various vintage group , it looks like I’ll be able to run in a few different classes with various groups . And by the way I’m in Northeast Ohio , I’m close to Mid m- Ohio , Pitt , and of Nelson Ledges it ever operates again.
Good deal I new someone would allow your car. The 2.0 is a great motor with lots of godies available. Have fun, we're all happy to help but we expect to see video.
Peter Cunningham, an old friend of ours who's been a championship driver in autocross, ice racing and the professional ranks, recently made his vintage race debut. In what? One of his team's Integras. Too new? The Type R made its competition debut here in the States like 22 years ago.

Interesting times in deed.
When I started VR, in 1988, car prices were really great. I bought, in one year, an Autodynamics Formula Vee and a Merlyn Formula Ford, eachfor $3000. At that time RMVR (Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing) had 10 annual races, with the Granddaddy being Steamboat Springs.
Now you can buy a restored Ford for $20k and up and RMVR has five(5) races. Seems that at least in part, costs have caused some loss of entrants. And in some cases, the rules have been getting tighter, not looser. Shame, cause many new people and new cars add life to any organization centered on autos. Iḿ now living in the South and will be able to report more on the Vintage scene as Spring fever hits.
Mike Eberlein
In reply to David S. Wallens :
Indeed it's important that newer cars are admitted. Otherwise the clubs die as the older members age out.
However there still needs to be a place for the older cars. 30's-50's -70's etc. those cars need rules that are reasonably stagnant. We all accept the risks involved. But requiring a rollcage on a Bugatti type 35 isn't going to happen.
I have been racing vintage series for 10 years, prior to that SCCA in spec pinata. Most of the events I enter are invitational RMMR, Rennsport & Velocity. I think this will be a pivotal year with all three about to announc their entry lists.
I have seen little growth in car count in the past few years and think the current economic environment is a challenge to many competitors.
FYI, your VARA link is incorrect. Their website is
Tom1200 said:
I for one think it's great as well as wise that 90s cars are on the grids at vintage races. These cars are 20-30 years old, with the advent of track days and the likes of Lemons, clubs have to be flexible if they want to remain healthy. Plus the cars are really cool.
Dougie see the link below this is my most recent race. When the video starts I'm two cars ahead of the camera car (Alfa GTV), the Volvo 544 just ahead is my friend who passes me at the 1 minute mark after that I'm the meat in the sandwich. I'm in the Red 1200 #27. Note this was the glorious battle for 16th-18th, I started on the last row due to a problem in the qualifying race and started 23rd and finished 17th.
I was one of those purist snobs. Certain cars. No sedans, just sports cars. No open wheel, nothing newer the 1959. That was the mid 70's and my 1953 MGTD was barely accepted. A 1955 TF was too new. The early formula 500's using single cylinder British motors and alcohol with a little nitro were all the rage.
Most cars were pre war. ( WW2) Bugatti and Alfa Romeo plus SS100 Jaguars etc. Castrol type R oil and that wonderful smell.
But by the 90's I could appreciate sedans, Japanese cars, even some old NASCAR stockers.
They added to the enjoyment.
But yeh we no longer see those Prewar cars. Or even Ferrari's from the 50's anymore. We don't smell Castrol R or drum brakes smoking. Unless we want to go to Goodwood or Laguna Seca.
After last fall’s HSR weekend here at Daytona, I’ve been wondering what I’d build.
I think it would be something like this–an Firehawk-type, street-stock car.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
That's absolutely the way to go. If I had to pick the ideal vintage car my old Showroom Stock C Miata would be it. It was glorious fun and all it ever needed was tires and brake pads. I'd fill up the gas tank and check the tire pressure once a day.
My Datsun is done much like the 944 in the video; it has all the suspension and brake goodies but the motor is moderately tuned. I buy one set of tires per season and I use about 12 gallons of gas per weekend.
An SCCA Showroom Stock Miata does make a ton of sense. I recently chatted with Randy Pobst (hi, Randy), and he mentioned that his old SSC car is still out there in proper trim.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
I bought Eric Moorehouse's car once it was done with SCCA National's somewhere in Utah.
If Randy's car or Dan Edmund's SSC Miata ever came up for sale that "might" make me give up the Datsun.