The new Challenge rules mention a "12 point" reference car for the judges. That made me think of our $2016 entry. It scored a 13.3 at concourse. I think David, Rene, and Tim were among the judges that year. I submit that group knows how to judge a Challenge car. If you remove the theme (Hood stripe, painted rims, air dam, and decals) I think this car is the definition of a mid pack 12 point car.
It has nice paint, a nice full interior, A/C, and springs and sway bar purchased new from Flyin' Miata. (Hi Keith.) It placed 9th at the autocross, and ran a 16.9 second 1/4 mile. So it ran as expected.
Pretty much every car that placed higher at concourse that year had a motor swap, or power adder (or some kind of engineering). If you remove the theme you have a clean car with a couple of bolt ons, and budget exempt tires. My thought is that's a "12". Please Opine.
If that is being said because opting out would bring the same result's ..... then no.
it's a nice looking car, A good running DD, I would think, it took some effort to get it there, I see those sort of things, Bring it back sell yourself and the car to the judges and get more points.
If that car is a "12", then I'm opting out. The reference car will certainly make it easier for someone to make the opt out decision. If a car that clean is the reference, the judging will be about 20 cars ... IMHO, of course.
In reply to rdcyclist :
I just read the rules and out of the 16 words used to describe what the judges are looking for "cleanliness" was only one. It's not a car show to flaunt your detailing skills, it's a Concours to show your innovation, execution, and presentation.
Once again...
”Clean” isn’t in the rules. It’s not a goal of the Concours.
Cleanliness is a descriptive word under “Execution”. But a brand new car off the lot would be ridiculously clean, and offer zero effort on execution.
Show me a pic where that started in a dumpster with rats nesting in it, and I will agree it was executed nicely. Show me a picture of it in nearly perfect condition on the day it was purchased, and I see nothing executed.
and myself, if the carpet is freshly shampooed, it won't get a better score than one that your kid just dumped a 16oz. drink in and you cleaned it up. if you want points for stock seats, at least change the color, say your car is dark blue , interior is lite saddle, do the carpet or seats in dark blue too. contrast catch's the eye. I still like yours.
Sorry, I what I meant by "Clean" was how sharp the car looks not that they did a great job with the Meguiar's products (which they did). This is what I meant: If the reference car is that sharp, a lot of cars on the fence will have "Don't Judge Me" stapled to the windshield. Yes, I know the innovation in just about any Miata isn't going to really be there but you gotta know that bringing a very clean car will have some impact on judging. And if that was a 13.3, then it was worth getting it judged. How hard will you work for 1.3 points?
For reference, this ratty, splotchy, mostly-primered, death trap scored a 19.4 in concours. I assume much of the remaining 5.6 points were lost to Execution (or more specifically "cleanliness" as we are describing it here).
I long for the early days of the challenge. Simple, fun, exciting. It's morphed into something that's less of all those things. As much fun as I had competing, that's why I haven't been back. Of course, that was the year of hired lawyers to exploit the simple rules, and champion-winning drivers to pilot the car; when the down hill slide started.
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