While I have returned to the US a fortnight my Daewoo has remained behind, far to the east in the land of Korea. This separation caused great lamentation and the gnashing of teeth. I wailed and rent my robes, prostrating myself before the motoring gods and, verily, they have answered my call.
A fellow disciple, long lost to the dark path of 4x4 trucks, has returned to the flock and spoken thusly.
"Oh benevolent Ben, I beseech thee, bestow unto me wisdom that I might bring unto the world a joyous, cone destroying device. I ask only that we exceed not $1,000 in the commission and construction of such a machine. My wife shall smite me grievously should I exceed such a sum."
Inspired by his mighty words, we set out conditions - nay, commandments - for this most worthy of enterprises.
It must be small. A 3rd generation Camaro forms the upper limit of our size tolerance. Should fate bestow upon us a machine sized like a first generation CRX or 1970s Corolla, we would be well pleased.
We shall suffer no automatic transmissions so long as life remains upon this earth. We seek to spread joy, not plague.
Neither Mercury Topaz - for which there is no hope - nor turbo charged DSM - which is too fast for one so inexperienced as my friend - shall enter into our possession. We seek a machine both beginner friendly and easy to upgrade later. My friend knows not the ways of handling and has no great treasure to spend on new crossmembers, drop in rear suspensions and complete brake system overhauls, so verily, no Fox Body shall receive our blessing.
While this machine may offend good taste with unlimited vulgarity, it shall not cause disturbance among the priesthood of the DMV.
And so I throw myself upon your mercies, oh tender GRMers. Speak frankly that I might advise my friend, the prodigal son so recently saved from the wages of truckdom, on the path to righteous motorsports.
New Reader
4/8/12 11:46 p.m.
1st gen neon or escort zx2?
4/8/12 11:54 p.m.
The good Lord did sayeth to his people, there shall be none more worthy than the best of all the British Sports Cars; the car that was such a miracle for it was not begotten in Britain at all nor in Italy or Germany or any European state of any kind. The car was borne of the great mind of Bob Hall and thus his will was done, and the Miata came to be.
Verily, thrice I sayest unto thee, Amen.
I knew this place was some sort of cult...
John 3:16
Miata 94:1.8
Ian F
4/9/12 8:04 a.m.
I would also agree: Miata.
Except running, sub-$1000 Miata's are getting more difficult to find these days...
4/9/12 8:13 a.m.
lnlds wrote:
1st gen neon or escort zx2?

"(1)Many rewards and blessings shall be bestowed upon the pilot of the autocross Zed-Ex-2. (2)The reliability shall nearly rival that of the Force pulling at thine feet, and the budget shall be that of the cheapest swill found at the local watering hole." Bacon 6:1-2.
Blessed be he who willingly compromises his will to purchase the Mighty Miata and instead settles upon any of the Front Wheel Drive Miatas that are less desirable, but share the same brave heart of the Miata.
1st Gen (SA / FB) RX-7. Drives like a solid rear axle Miata, weighs less (depending on options), and can still easily be found running/driving for under $1000. 
mtn wrote:
The good Lord did sayeth to his people, there shall be none more worthy than the best of all the British Sports Cars; the car that was such a miracle for it was not begotten in Britain at all nor in Italy or Germany or any European state of any kind. The car was borne of the great mind of Bob Hall and thus his will was done, and the Miata came to be.
Has the Lord commanded we might purchase one for less than a thousand dollars?
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Blessed be he who willingly compromises his will to purchase the Mighty Miata and instead settles upon any of the Front Wheel Drive Miatas that are less desirable, but share the same brave heart of the Miata.
Thinkest thou of the Sephia? I am ignorant in the ways of Mazda.
DaewooOfDeath wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Blessed be he who willingly compromises his will to purchase the Mighty Miata and instead settles upon any of the Front Wheel Drive Miatas that are less desirable, but share the same brave heart of the Miata.
Thinkest thou of the Sephia?
Verily the Sephia, Escort, Tracer, or Protege wilst make thine heart gleeful.
DaewooOfDeath wrote:
mtn wrote:
The good Lord did sayeth to his people, there shall be none more worthy than the best of all the British Sports Cars; the car that was such a miracle for it was not begotten in Britain at all nor in Italy or Germany or any European state of any kind. The car was borne of the great mind of Bob Hall and thus his will was done, and the Miata came to be.
Has the Lord commanded we might purchase one for less than a thousand dollars?
If the item B of the Garage of Morris, or the Shape of Things to Come.
4/9/12 4:23 p.m.
One must not discount the wares of the mighty, yet humble Mazda mx6 GT. I have been a convert to its church of turbo'd goodness for a number of months now. The skies opened and the gods said "Ye, we bestoweth upon you cheap turbo power, a solid chassis, and an entry price worthy of the meekest pauper. Or about 500 bucks." She preaches the good word of reliability, relative comfort, and handsome looks.
mndsm wrote:
One must not discount the wares of the mighty, yet humble Mazda mx6 GT. I have been a convert to its church of turbo'd goodness for a number of months now. The skies opened and the gods said "Ye, we bestoweth upon you cheap turbo power, a solid chassis, and an entry price worthy of the meekest pauper. Or about 500 bucks." She preaches the good word of reliability, relative comfort, and handsome looks.
Verily, i hath failed as a worshipper of the Mafia of MX6 and did not spread the word in an acceptable manner. Nay! I was truly uncouth in my omission of such a suggestion. Will the Mafia of MX6 ever be able to welcome mine person into their arms again?
4/9/12 4:41 p.m.
My child, the Mafia is ALWAYS welcoming back of sheep who have strayed the flock.
mndsm wrote:
My child, the Mafia is ALWAYS welcoming back of sheep who have strayed the flock.
Sir, i thanketh thee. Might i regain my post as Founding Father of The Mafia of MX6?
In reply to 92CelicaHalfTrac:
The MX6 is basically a Probe GT, right?
Bobzilla wrote:
1998 Accent GT.
If I were still in Korea ... how's the aftermarket for Hyundai's here?
Best... written.... post.... EVER!