since i know everyone has been waiting with baited breath on what i would do for my new to me dd question, i thought i would let everyone know that i have found my "answer" this weekend.
it is a1987 325e 4 door 5 speed. its in pretty good shape for a 25 year old car. and for the first time in 10 years, a car i bought drove itself home!..... all the way from Tennessee no less! ( and yes, believe it or not someone in atlanta had to TRAVEL to find a car! )
thanks for all the suggestions and opinions on all the options i went through on the way!
Is this your first e30? What's it like driving it? I just e-mailed about an 85 325e. I'm use to Honda's, never even driven a BMW.
digdug18 wrote: it looks lonely, i think you need another bmw to make the car happier.
great minds think alike... . it already has a fraternal brother at home already. my 87 325e coupe track car... part of the reason i thought a 325e (with carpet, A/C, radio, 2 extra doors, etc) dd would be a great idea.
Fletch1 wrote: Is this your first e30? What's it like driving it? I just e-mailed about an 85 325e. I'm use to Honda's, never even driven a BMW.
nope... my second. the first convinced me to look for the second as it is remarkably solid. the car is 25 years old and the only rattle it has is the a/c blower motor. the straight six seems to be bulletproof as long as you replace the timing belt and water pump every hundred thousand miles or so. it is also very predictable handling wise and it weighs nearly nothing so it feels pretty peppy.
cracked dashboards and malfunctioning gauges and other electrical doo dads are the biggest problems i have seen so far. replaceable if you care about these sorts of things..... irrelevant if you dont.
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