I pulled the motor and did new heads, water pump and radiator (among other things) on my c6z06.
when I drive it, ive noticed a faint smell of coolant. I smell it inside a little but definitely under the hood. I can't see any leaks anywhere and everything is really clean.
is there a fancy, trick way of figuring out where it is coming from?
All the auto parts stores will "rent for free" you a coolant pressure tester.
Screw it on. Give it just one or two pumps and look to the ground for leaked coolant, then look up to find source.
Go to the drug store. Buy BIG can of "athletes foot spray" Any brand will do.
Spray a white coating on any surface / connection you suspect run motor until you smell it open hood look for gray spot where the white was.
This works for oil leaks too!
They make ultra violet test kits and are sold at auto parts stores. You put a little of the dye in your radiator, let engine run for 15 or so minutes then use the ultra violet light to go over areas where a leak is suspected. Dye glows where leak is at. I have not personally used one of these kits but they are supposed to work well.
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