I found a keeper. Went to look at a '77 Fiat X1/9 that was posted on Craigslist in a relatively inaccessible area, and found a nice project.
The car appears to have spent a lot of its life inside, in pieces. Comes with numerous boxes of new parts and factory service manuals. New upholstery, new Weber carb. Here is the weird thing: I was only able to locate rust in two small places. Only comes with ugly steel wheels. Tires are a decade old, but zero miles on them.

Current owner has only had it for a few months and claims to need to sell to free up the space for one of his other projects. Previous owner did all the work and it is just ready to reassemble. Engine is in and will start, but needs a little sorting. Wiring all looks good. Everything is very clean and there is a coat of paint on everything. This is a blessing and a curse because he used Rustoleum, which I understand needs to be removed prior to painting with real automotive paint.

Since it is mostly in pieces, the price is low. I'll be just under $1k.
I need you guys to tell me to move my ass and get this thing. The catch: My wife is ok with parts cars and the like for my SAAB habit, but when I told her it was another marque, she immediately concluded that this would be a new and different (therefore more involved) project and was against it. I happen to know she has spent about as much as this car on clothes in the last month, a fact that she will be embarrassed to find I know. I'm not going to create a rift in my marriage over a car, but the subject isn't closed yet. How best to convince her that I can take on another project?
Where's the rust? Keep in mind that in some places, these cars have up to nine layers of non-rustproofed Italian steel.
Also, the tires are basically ready for the junkyard. I had tires that old on my current headache, sorry, MR2, and promptly suffered from a sidewall failure.
why is all the good stuff a zillion miles away from me...
BoxheadTim wrote:
Where's the rust? Keep in mind that in some places, these cars have up to nine layers of non-rustproofed Italian steel.
Also, the tires are basically ready for the junkyard. I had tires that old on my current headache, sorry, MR2, and promptly suffered from a sidewall failure.
Small spot of rust that has been treated on the driver's door. There is also a little on the rocker on the driver's side, but really solid metal. Both rust locations have paint on them, so they aren't growing. Car needs all new weather-stripping too.
Tires are definitely a no-go. Handy for rolling the car around, but not driving. No loss since I wouldn't want to run those ugly steelies anyway.
He doesn't live in the rust belt 
Sounds like a good deal- you should buy it. As for the mrs. tell her you will paint it her favorite color, and she can drive it. After it's become a family member, don't.
Supercoupe wrote:
why is all the good stuff a zillion miles away from me...
Re: rustoleum, who says that you have to remove it? Vinyl wrap it or plaits-dip it.
If its cheap enough, don't clear it with SWMBO, just get it and ask for forgiveness latter.
If it turns into a headache, dump it (but try to break even), and let say she told you so.
In reply to Mezzanine:
Good luck finding decent wheels and tires. 195/45 15's are about the max in the front without looking like a 4x4. Decent 13" tires are not exactly thick on the ground. Also 4x98mm bolt pattern sucks. Not insurmountable, but it makes me pause when I look at getting one again. :/
In reply to HappyAndy:
Just paint it with thinned gloss Rustoleum and enjoy the money savings.
This is relevant to my interests. I was all set to come back into town and pick one up last Monday. Naturally it sold over the weekend... I even had SWMBO talked into it, too.
I'm trying to hold out for a later EFI/1500 model, but we're kinda shopping in the same area geographically. Keep us informed and let me life vicariously through you until I can pull the trigger on one!
Oh I like the vinyl idea. I would buy that in a minute.
Do it! I loved both my Exxies and wouldn't mind having another. The 1300/4speed isn't as quick as the 1500/5 speed but it's a lot of tossable fun. FYI: 1300's are interference, 1500's are not. Put a TB on it QUICK.
I have an EFI 1500 long block sitting in my garage (SE PDX) if anyone local is interested!
Also a spare targa top, trunk lid, engine cover, springs and chrome windshield trim among a few other pieces. Come and get them. Please :)
turboswede wrote:
I have an EFI 1500 long block sitting in my garage (SE PDX) if anyone local is interested!
Also a spare targa top, trunk lid, engine cover, springs and chrome windshield trim among a few other pieces. Come and get them. Please :)
Come and get them, as in FOR FREE???
grafmiata wrote:
turboswede wrote:
I have an EFI 1500 long block sitting in my garage (SE PDX) if anyone local is interested!
Also a spare targa top, trunk lid, engine cover, springs and chrome windshield trim among a few other pieces. Come and get them. Please :)
"Come and get them", as in "FOR FREE"???
I paid money for the engine many years ago including shipping it from Florida. So I would accept alcohol as payment (think whiskey, Tequila, etc.).
The rest came off my '80 after I gave up on it. I got that car for free, so it's parts will also be free to a good home.
In reply to turboswede:So if I drive to Michigan with a load of booze, I can come back to Ohio with a bunch of spare parts for my x1/9 that I will never do anything with???
Just wondering, 'cuz Challenge-car.
turboswede wrote:
grafmiata wrote:
turboswede wrote:
I have an EFI 1500 long block sitting in my garage (SE PDX) if anyone local is interested!
Also a spare targa top, trunk lid, engine cover, springs and chrome windshield trim among a few other pieces. Come and get them. Please :)
"Come and get them", as in "FOR FREE"???
I paid money for the engine many years ago including shipping it from Florida. So I would accept alcohol as payment (think whiskey, Tequila, etc.).
The rest came off my '80 after I gave up on it. I got that car for free, so it's parts will also be free to a good home.
Q: Am I really dumb enough to get parts for a car that I don't even own yet? A: Ab-so-lutely
Are we talking a handle or a fifth?
chandlerGTi wrote:
grafmiata wrote:
In reply to turboswede:So if I drive to Michigan with a load of booze, I can come back to Ohio with a bunch of spare parts for my x1/9 that I will never do anything with???
Just wondering, 'cuz Challenge-car.
He's is Portland Will.
Doh!!! There's another x1/9 thread going tonight, either a car or parts in Mt. Holly... I had confusions.
In reply to Burrito Enthusiast:
Yes. I like the cut of your job sir!
A fifth would be sufficient :)
In reply to grafmiata:
Yeah, driving to Oregon might be a bit nutty for these parts. Still if you were willing, I'd be up for it.
Painted with Rustoleum? Who cares? It's a Fiat X1/9...it will never be worth anything. They are meant to be driven, not coddled. Run the piss out of that thing.
That is a good deal no matter where you are. I'd get it, and I swore those cars off after doing a master cylinder replacement on one. 
Marital bliss: That's a thread for off-topic, but really...if it doesn't cause a financial issue for the family, you need to not worry so much what she thinks. Time to start reading up on The Red Pill before it's too late.
and those so called "ugly steelies" were the factory wheels that I'm sure you could make some decent coin on to someone wanting to go with the original look..
Do it! Explain to the wife after you bring it home that it's an almost running project, and affordable. 
ddavidv speaks truth about master cylinders, they are a cast iron bitch to replace. Like him even after doing a couple of them I'd still like to have another Exxie.