My car has a terrible 2nd gear crunch and popout problem but it came with an extra tranny. Can I test this somehow outside the car to make sure it's good before I swap them?
My car has a terrible 2nd gear crunch and popout problem but it came with an extra tranny. Can I test this somehow outside the car to make sure it's good before I swap them?
bench testing a manual tranny can be a little incomprehensive in some ways. grab the input shaft, turn it with your hand and shift the bad boy to make sure that it goes into all the gears. as far as testing for pop out, that cant really be done with this method, but if you can take a peek inside for things that would obviously lead to pop out such as worn dog teeth, bad detent springs, excessive play between gears on the output shaft, excessive backlash. what im really trying to say is, if it all looks pretty and feels pretty, youre probably good
Sometimes you can chuck a 1/2" drill onto the input shaft and spin it. I tested a Volvo and Spitfire transmission like that. Unfortunately, I'm not sure any syncro issues will become evident unless the transmission is under load.
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