I'm in the earliest stages of planning my next car project (i.e. dreaming). One of my primary goals is to not start with a rustbucket again. Since rust free older cars are rare (and expensive) in Ohio, I'm considering taking a week's vacation, flying somewhere, renting a car for a few days, buying a car, then driving it home. The plan would also be to enlist a friend/relative to join me in this adventure. I'll admit this has been partially inspired by watching Roadkill, though I'm hoping for less drama . I'm thinking 1970s-1980s RWD American car, preferably V8, but I'd consider an S10 pickup or blazer, too. If I fail in finding something I want while there, I'd probably just try to find something (like a pickup) that I know I can resell for a profit back home, in order to defray at least some of my expenses.
Based on where I can get cheap airfare, it looks like Los Angeles, Phoenix, Portland(OR), Seattle, and Orlando. Atlanta is also a possibility, in that I can drive down there to go hunting for a deal.
Any suggestions on the best place to go looking? One concern I have is whether plates stay with cars, as Ohio does not provide plates for cars in transit. Here's what I've got on each location so far:
Los Angeles: Pro: Supposed to be an auto enthusiasts heaven, should have a huge variety of choices. Con: Dealing with the traffic as a tourist. Not sure how title transfer works there, especially as it seems there is something about dealing with any unpaid fines on the car before it can be transferred.
Phoenix: Pro: I have a relative there I can probably stay with. Con: Unknown
Portland/Seattle: Pro: Car interiors probably won't be baked too bad by the sun. Con: Car interiors could be "baked", leading to interesting interactions with police if I get pulled over on the way home.
Orlando: Pro: I have a place to stay an hour or so away on the east coast of the state. I could stop by the GRM HQ on the way home. Con: Not sure how many cars that I'd be interested in are going to be in the area at good prices. A lot of Florida cars may be from other parts of the country. Seems like a lot of the projects I see people from Florida post involve immediately removing the interior to power wash off the mold/mildew.
Atlanta: Pro: Seems a lot of deals pop up there frequently. Could drive instead of flying. Con: the no title thing on older cars will need to be resolved in order to get the car registered in Ohio.
Ideally, I'd like to get something cheap enough to have some leftover money that I can bring it to the $2017 Challenge, even if it won't be overly competitive, Failing that, I just want a good base for an 11-12 second drag car that is still reasonable for use on the street. And of course, something that will not require use of excessive amounts of PB Blaster, Kroil, and propane torches in order to work on.