79-81 Ford 2.3 turbos were carbed. They took a year off to make it not suck (pun intended!!) and then came back with the EFI version, which blew (ta-dum!!).
No GT Turbos, no SVOs. They were Pace Cars in 79, Cobras in 80-81 I think and just plain LX types, too. I think the turbo motor was sort of paired up with the TRX suspenstion, too.
John Huber's car is supposedly the first production 2.3 turbo car Ford ever built.
I don't know if I imagining this bit of information, but I seem to remember a magazine article in the 80's that talked about issues with blow-thru turbo carb set ups and the floats cracking or collapsing from the pressure. Anyone remember this?
alex wrote: I love turbos, I love carbs. Somebody translate the jargon in this damn thread for somebody like me who's not accustomed to both on the same motor.
Draw-through means the carb is before the turbo, so the gas goes out of the carb and through the turbo. Really, really, sucky design.
Blow-through means the turbo comes first and pushes the pressurized air into the carb.
You can either build the carburetor for boost in the venturi's only and use a carb hat or build an enclosure around the entire carb to pressurize everything so it works like normal.
P71 wrote:alex wrote: I love turbos, I love carbs. Somebody translate the jargon in this damn thread for somebody like me who's not accustomed to both on the same motor.Draw-through means the carb is before the turbo, so the gas goes out of the carb and through the turbo. Really, *really*, sucky design. Blow-through means the turbo comes first and pushes the pressurized air into the carb. You can either build the carburetor for boost in the venturi's only and use a carb hat or build an enclosure around the entire carb to pressurize everything so it works like normal.
Thanks. That's a little better.
Now, what's a carb hat?
If your sure you want carbs and boost I wouldn't fool around with ancient carbs,you can do what I did and use a set of bike carbs-actually I'm using yamaha RX1 sled carbs(same engine as the R1 and FZ1 bikes,the carbs are different between thos 2 bikes however with different mounting angles). They are vacuum slides and work very very well with boost-no damn boxes to build and seal etc.Google for turbo RX1 kits,lots of good info and the carbs can be had for under $200 easily. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o50/kevlarcorolla/100_0801.jpg
Early to mid 80's Esprit Turbos used 2 blow through Delorto DHLAs. Not gonna be cheap to replace/replicate, but it's been done.
Really, in the age of Megasquirt, there's no need to battle carbs. Don't forget that one "oops" moment and you need new pistons and a new turbo.
I had a turbo bonnet that was made by Turbonetics that I gave away a few years back. It was on a '90 civic si that i traded for before the PO did the b16a Swap it was a d16 with a turbo and a 4 brl carb on it.
16vCorey wrote: Early turbo Starquests were carbureted.
starion/conquest were NOT carburated, they were all TBI fuel injected.
I'm looking to used a turbo with a weber 32/36. So if I inclose the entire carb then it will be easier to tune?
How about a Ford 302 and 5 speed transmission? That should move it pretty well. Or a rotary with a 5 speed?
mrdontplay wrote: There is no FI setup for a chevette.
Now, Son, you just ain't applying yourself. Get thee lazy arse to thine local junk yard and find a 2-barrel TBI throttle body then build an adapter to fit it to your intake. Hell you may even find an adapter to fit a GM TBI Throttle body to a Holley/Weber 2-barrel carb, but it isn't too hard to build on your own. The Hongs built one from a chunk of wood!
The rest is just MegaSquirt.
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