Friday night a few of us from the home office will be heading out to the Central Florida Road Course in Orlando to try out their "crooked drags." Based on what we can gather, it's basically a ProSolo with no clocks, just a guy at the finish telling you who gets back first.
We've managed to find this video, and a few others, which make it seem like fun (apparently they've done away with the barrels and tire piles and just use cones now). Most appealing is the distinct lack of hot Florida sun.
As of now, it looks like Tom, Greg and me are in, with David as a strong maybe. Anyone around the greater Central Fla. area care to join us? Anyone tried this already and have a recommendation for us to stay the F away? Or was it the coolest thing ever?
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Age limit?
Ooh, good question. It's not affiliated with any clubs, but I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Might be worth an email. I think Tom has been in touch with the actual people there and he might know who the right person to ask would be.
On a related note, the CRX is now a runner. (Private message to JG: And that's why I didn't work on News tonight.)
another vid outside the car
You know how I bug you guys every year to come to Atlanta for DoubleCross.
This is why. Ours is like that, but cooler.
Yeah, one day we do need to make it. What's the date for this year's event?
Didn't I just make a thread about this? Another not so great outside vid of my t/a
I may be bring out the Challenge Civic this weekend. Unless the T/A wins over my heart, I also think the Fit would be fun.
Words of Wise Dome from my one experience down there. Make sure you run up against someone you know if you can. There are a lot of ricers, wannabe Torretos down there, that don't know what they are doing. Case in point: Torreto Jr. shows up in his Toyota Solara with exhaust and HIDS, y0. His first run he goes up against a guy who had been out there all night in his S2K. TJ (torreto jr.) makes a wrong turn and almost goes head on with the S2K, luckily S2K driver was quick to react.
If I go out in the GRM Civic you'll know it's me....if not I'll wear the Gray Challenge Shirt. I'm trying to convince a kid I work with to bring out his E30 325 or his E36 M3.....but coughcoughstuffdoesn'tworkcoughcough

Tom Heath
Production Editor
4/22/09 11:11 p.m.
Where's Dirtybird222? He posted the video for the thread last week.
Joe Gearin is a maybe also.
Tommy- I'll try to find out if they'll allow youngsters tomorrow.
D'oh! Typed too slow. There's Dirtybird.
Actually the challenge civic relies on whether or not my dad is going out of town with my mom. He drives with the trailer, not I, so it could be the T/A....
I don't believe there is an age limit, they weren't IDing anyone, just pay and go.
i went last friday night. 25 bucks. must be 18. the miata on worn out kumho 710s was the car to beat. lots of fun but dont hit the tires 
Not going anymore. The Magic are playing, I can't get off work early, got finals to study for, got my ass kicked to the curb by the g/f, just not in the mood. The last thing I need to do is go beat the piss out of one of my cars and potentially destroy it. Plus I'm going to earthday birthday on saturday...gotta save my energy for the mosh pits.
4/24/09 2:13 a.m.
If I still lived in Florida I would totally be there.
Man, i've been dreaming of a facility like that for years. Have fun guys. Wish i could tag along!
Tom Heath
Production Editor
4/24/09 9:08 a.m.
I'm pretty excited, too. I think easy, show-up-and-drive events like this are awesome, and being so close to the office is a big plus too!
We had a couple of guys swing by the office yesterday that are planning to be there. Hopefully we'll have a good crowd of people who aren't "Torretos." (I had to google it; I thought is was a slur.)
Hopefully it'll attract nothing but drag racers, and you guys can berkeleying mop up. Are there any restrictions on tires? If Per had a hair on his balls, he'd show up in the minivan on R comps. 
no class restrictions, it's "Run whatcha brung" I still may come out there after mulleting it over.
poopshovel wrote:
I would pay money to see that! 
P71 wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
I would pay money to see that!
I'd use my money to bet against the kid with the sideways hat and 9 gazillion HP Supra. Aaaalways thinkin. 
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
4/24/09 1:11 p.m.
We actually ran our 2005 Odyssey at the 2004 Solo Nats as an exhibition. We fit 265/45R16 Kumho V710s on it......It wasn't slow.
As for the LeGrand, it's in a million pieces as I'm upping the displacement (1000cc) and switching the spool out for a real diff.
The night ones are cool. Finally give me a reason to waste alot of money on rally lights.
Per Schroeder wrote:
We actually ran our 2005 Odyssey at the 2004 Solo Nats as an exhibition. We fit 265/45R16 Kumho V710s on it......It wasn't slow.
As for the LeGrand, it's in a million pieces as I'm upping the displacement (1000cc) and switching the spool out for a real diff.
Please do that again at this event. Post videos of you receiving the trophy of the night in your van. Kthx.
I'm gonna be there ZOMG! leaving right now