Every year before the challenge Mississippi hosts Cruisin The Coast car show as a warm-up. Something like 20,000 cars show up in what is annual event that kicks off the Grassroots Motorsports challenge.
Pete and skip, please check in with your reporting. Or at least just post a bunch of pictures
In reply to Ovid_and_Flem :
Skip is setup at the swap meet this year, but here are mine from hanging out with Ben_Modified yesterday.

There’s over 8,000 registered cars this year. Which means the total is probably well over 10k!
In reply to Stampie :
That’s apparently an MGB-based Lotus Eleven kit.
In reply to Ovid_and_Flem :
I don’t often have time to make it down there before dark, so there’s not much to see...though I really wish I could have got a pic of the boat driving down Beach Blvd. last night - I wondered if it was the one on Craigslist a few weeks ago.
They did have a flamethrower contest the other night though.
10/4/18 2:18 p.m.
They had an auto cross set up Monday through Wednesday in the coliseum parking lot. I think sponsored by BF Goodrich and I think the Autocross Guys. Fairly steady stream of cars but mostly muscle cars street rods not much that was competitive other than a couple corvettes, mustangs and Camaro’s . I think you had to be registered to run. They did have a 60’s Cadillac convertible that barely made the corners that they timed with a calendar.
Been here since last Friday and more an more cars are showing up. They are expecting a record of close to 9,000 cars registered however probably double that all together. Registered cars have to be pre 1987 I think and is composed of mostly hot rods, classic cars, muscle cars, older trucks with a good mix of rat rods. However you can see about anything on the street from super cars, sports cars and later model performance cars.
This is a fun event with a swap meet, auction, a lot of other venues and events of all kinds.
In reply to pirate :
If you have the time stop by! I’m a block from Beach Blvd. & White Ave. 765-714-2935.
The newest year they officially allow us 1988. I tried to get them to allow my Miata, being a 90, as some of the early ones were apparently 1989 models, but they said no. Honestly, I just wanted to use the autox as a TnT, but with the car not running at 100% right now it would have been wasted money anyway.