As i have mentioned before, my '98 neon R/T has a fart can on it from the PO. My scrap yard search has turned out in vane, as an intack DOHC exaust is real hard to find aroung here. I was thinking about pulling off the fart can and just replacing it with a glass pack. Would the sound be any less obnoxious? Or quieter?
always wondered about this.. can you use a muffler designed for an 8 cylinder in a 4 cylinder car and get less backpressure?
Had friend w/a standard cherry bomb on his Neon. I liked the sound. It was still pretty loud, raspy & obnoxious, but at least it didn't look like a fart-can.
Why not just buy a universal muffler like a Borla or Dynomax online? You can get them for really cheap normally. If you're really desperate, overnight ship it. You could just put the muffler in place of the fart can, add a small straight section of pipe, and then put a subtle tip on it?
Supertraps are junk. Fart can/glasspack, ussually the same thing. If you can put a glasspack in there after the cat, along with the existing muffler, it should quiet it down If not, get your hands on a cheapo cherry bomb turbo. Fairly quiet, and almost the same price as a glasspack.
always add the glasspack or cherry bomb turbo and then add a resonated tailpipe. I ran a fiat spider for years with just a resonated tailpipe.. up to about 3 grand it was pretty quiet.. above that it sounded more like a F1 car
I use a generic glasspack on my Sport Coupe, in the same location as the stock muffler, and it sounds very "non-rice". I also have an inline resonator in the tunnel, and a hiflow cat after the TTI longtube header. It's throaty, fairly loud at WOT, but has no raspiness at all. Anything is better than a fart can!
This might help....
Neon mufflers on Summitt
I'm not a huge fan of the Super Turbo mufflers, but on a non-turbo car they seem to work okay. More than likely you can just get a generic muffler of the proper type from Summit, etc for cheaper. You just need to crawl underneath the car and look at what is on the car for pipe, including the diameter of the pipe, and how you want to route the new exhaust. Then go and look at what it available online in that pipe size and take the measurements of the mufflers you're interested in back to the car and make sure they will fit.
Once you find the one that you think will fit, order it and the necessary clamps and pipe along with a tip and you're in good shape!
Woodyhfd wrote: Supertrap.
+1, regardless of what suprf1y says.
I cut off the exhaust before the 90, and ran it straight out. I drive mine with 9 of 12 discs in to/from events, and uncork it when I run.
Seriously, go read the STS Miata project, they tested the Supertrapp and found that in order to not lose power they had to run it relatively open and it didn't muffle very well.
NYG95GA wrote: I use a generic glasspack on my Sport Coupe, in the same location as the stock muffler, and it sounds very "non-rice". I also have an inline resonator in the tunnel, and a hiflow cat after the TTI longtube header. It's throaty, fairly loud at WOT, but has no raspiness at all. Anything is better than a fart can!![]()
had the same one mine, from inside it sounded good(well for what it was), at high rpm it got a little nasty sounding, but it sounded way better then my 240sx with a fart can and the glass pack weighs alot less then the stock muffler
Another one for the Dynomax. I used to have a Hollis-type supertrapp, and it really didn't cut it. The dynomax is better, lighter, and doesn't warm up my fuel tank as much (that was actually causing some issues...)
On my E30 I have two cherry bombs welded side-by-side where the factory muffler was. The total cost for both with flanges and my homemade hanger, tips etc... was about $60. It saved ~25lbs over the factory setup too.
It sounds good... deep/low rumble with burbling on lift and above 4k it screams like an unmuffled straight six ought to.
I had a single cherry bomb muffler (and thats it) on the accent, forget which length but it was the longest that would fit under the car. It didn't sound too ricey imo, better than a fart cannon, but got kinda loud on the highway sometimes. Only pulled 86dB or so the few times I got metered for national events, so I guess it was quiet enough even though it could easily set off car alarms lol.
"I'll take 'muffler' for $300, Alex!"
"Capable of withstanding the heat of the rotary, this muffler company should be the go-to choice of grassroots readers everywhere."
"What is Magnaflow?"
Seriously, they're good. Cheap too.
This is a case where size does matter . I have found that smaller motors and 4 cylinders need to use cherrybombs that are 2.25" or less. Any larger and there really is no appreciable benefit. It is like running a strait pipe. For the MR2 I use 2" diameter as long as I can get. I have also found that if you use the ones that have the flanges installed with an offset it really seems to help with little or no HP loss. I am sure that this is because you are directing the exhaust / sound in to the packing instead of blasting it strait through. I had this offset setup on an MR2 of mine for several seasons and it was great. Literal bolted a 12" piece of 2" pipe to the stock selector put it to the offset cherry bomb and put a angle cut 30" tip on it to keep a stock look.
We also use the strait through Cherry bombs on our other cars and they can be very loud. I once fabbed up a system that used two cherry bombs in line on a Honda. This worked very well. The reason for two was that we did not have enough pipe but we had a second cherry bomb. So in it went to get it running. Not optimal when dealing with weight but I liked the resulting sound.
One of the best sounding Set ups was on my 85 RX7. I had the stock cats in place but the muffler exploded so I removed it completely and put a strait pipe and a duel tipped Anza unit on. It had the nasty raspy British sports car sound up to about 4500 but still very quiet. Then all of a sudden at 4500 it would make your your ears bleed. It was a hoot to blip the throttle in a parking garage. Sent people running and set off most every car alarm
As for other systems we have tried. Vortex makes a decent performance unit but for the $60-$80 they want for it I can get 3-4 Cherry bombs and they really don't seem to be effective on the high pitched 4 cylinder motors. I think they are optimised for 8's as we put it in the truck and it really seemed to work well there.
Another good muffler I found was the Walker "performance" direct bolt in replacement for the Escort GT muffler. I used this in a X19 with great results. Perfect mix of sound and flow as well as fitment.
So to summerize; four cylinders seem to need 2.25" diameter or less Cherry bombs be effective The longer the Cherry Bomb the better and the offset cherry bombs seem to add an additional sound deadening that does to seem to eject HP.
The down side of the cherry bomb was that all I seemed to get was 2-3 seasons on the race car then they either blow out the packing of the interior mesh rusts out.
walterj wrote: On my E30 I have two cherry bombs welded side-by-side where the factory muffler was. The total cost for both with flanges and my homemade hanger, tips etc... was about $60. It saved ~25lbs over the factory setup too. It sounds good... deep/low rumble with burbling on lift and above 4k it screams like an unmuffled straight six ought to.
As an E30 owner in need of a muffler I demand pics!
Stock piping otherwise? what size cherry bombs?
porksboy wrote: What type of resonator are you talking about?
It's basically like a minature glasspack, 12 to 18 inches long. They help to eliminate the dreaded raspy tone, without taking up too much room or adding much weight.
ditchdigger wrote: As an E30 owner in need of a muffler I demand pics! Stock piping otherwise? what size cherry bombs?
I'll get some tonight... it uses the stock pipes, resonators, cats etc... just cut off the muffler and replace. I needed two short 1.75" pieces and a HF expander tool to get the pipes to match the stock location. I bought 2 19" 1.75" i/o cherry bombs with the offset angles on them, welded a piece of angle iron across them to hold them at the right distance from each other and use as a hanger fixture. I cut off the old muffler first and just placed them there and marked where they needed to be... made the small pieces and expanded them... tacked it and then took off the catback to weld it properly out where I could roll it around. Black bbq grill paint and some cheap chrome tips from Autozone and done.
Pics later...
dean1484 wrote: One of the best sounding Set ups was on my 85 RX7. I had the stock cats in place but the muffler exploded so I removed it completely and put a strait pipe and a duel tipped Anza unit on. It had the nasty raspy British sports car sound up to about 4500 but still very quiet. Then all of a sudden at 4500 it would make your your ears bleed. It was a hoot to blip the throttle in a parking garage. Sent people running and set off most every car alarm![]()
That was more or less the same system I ran on the Fiat I mentioned above. And yes, I enjoyed setting off car alarms, even idling by all quiet like was enough to set them off
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