One thing you need is additional air storage. An aux. tank will help. Air can cool enough for the water to drop out.
There are also people online running coils of copper line through their garage refrigerators to help.
Along the same lines, you can run air lines into large fittings you make yourself. Maybe 1.5" pipe a foot long, capped on one end, a few tees and appropriate reducers in there for entry and exit, and a ball valve on the end to let the water out. Basically you're making a large separator. Some people will fill it partially with stainless steel wool or brass wool so the water has something to hold on to.
Some paint guys will crack a drain while painting. Don't know how much or if it works, but I've seen it done.
We have horrible humidity here, when I did commercial sandblasting I had a huge compressor/ 100+ gallon aux tank, proper metal lines with the correct drops, refrigerated air dryer (a real one) and still had water coming out of the nozzle on occassion
I drained gallons of water at a time out of the tank after a long day of blasting.
Spotted this at TS yesterday (Removes water vapor at the point of use) :
Air Cleaner; Desiccant Type; 3/8 in FNPT (Port) Connection Type; Used With Sandblaster
Removes water vapor at the point of use. Desiccant changes color when it needs to be changed or recharged. Outlet screen keeps desiccant particles out of tools. Clear bowl with metal guards for easy viewing of fluid level and impact protection. Quick release bowl, and quarter turn drain for easy maintenance. Extend air tool life and improve performance. Keep sandblasters from clogging. 3/8 in port size NPT (F).
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