The Orlando Sentinel did a nice write-up on us today in their Business section: Volusia Magazine Keeps Growing
Pretty cool, though I am seriously regretting that femullet I had back when we started. Hey, it WAS the '80s.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: Pretty cool, though I am seriously regretting that femullet I had back when we started. Hey, it WAS the '80s.
Don't worry, everyone regrets the hair they had in the '80s. Everyone.
ah yes...the 80s! Slap bracelets, huge bangs, tight rolled jeans and garbage pail kids; oh how I do miss thee
It's ok when you see a picture of a femullet that was actually taken IN the 80's... now if it was a more recent picture and still had the femullet... then you may want to be ashamed...
Jay wrote:Marjorie Suddard wrote: Pretty cool, though I am seriously regretting that femullet I had back when we started. Hey, it WAS the '80s.Don't worry, everyone regrets the hair they had in the '80s. Everyone.
Um, I still have the smae hairstyle. I have always worn my hiar short.
Come to Northern Wisconsin, there are still tons of mullets for both sexes to be seen. Oh and on a side note, all the crazy old '80s clothes is still available new at Fleet Farm, or Farm n Fleet for you southerners.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: Pretty cool, though I am seriously regretting that femullet I had back when we started. Hey, it WAS the '80s.
No more party in the back. There better be a deck.
Ross of Nine wrote: Come to Northern Wisconsin, there are still tons of mullets for both sexes to be seen. Oh and on a side note, all the crazy old '80s clothes is still available new at Fleet Farm, or Farm n Fleet for you southerners.
You mean southern Wisconsiners? We have Farm n Fleet here in Janesville. Hell we have THE original FnF here.
Nice to see you guys getting more press. You don't here of too many publications doing well these days, let alone growing. You guys must have done something special in a past life, seems like karma is paying it back in spades.
Congrats to all -- that's an excellent article, and a positive business story. Again, my kudos to everyone at GRM and CM.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: The Orlando Sentinel did a nice write-up on us today in their Business section: Volusia Magazine Keeps Growing Pretty cool, though I am seriously regretting that femullet I had back when we started. Hey, it WAS the '80s. Margie
25 years in a touch market - Congrats and Thank you!
carguy123 wrote: Hey, who's the skinny little blonde guy on the podium beside you?
He looks like a Florida State Patrol officer with that 'stache
Super cool ad and the shirt in front shows marketing savvy !! nice I bet those old school shirts be an ebay $$$ money maker
Let's go back to the 80s and have a K-car as a GRM project. Objective: make it 0-60 in under five seconds.
Wow, look at that funny picture! You two were just a couple of young kids back then.
Not only did the magazine survive and thrive you managed to stay married through it all.
Super cool
Margie ,
First off Congrats!!!!!
Hair you say? 80's you say? I think I had some in the 80's. Now it is just a figment of my imagination. But It is all good! I supposedly got wisdom.
Nice article!! A welcome change to read something positive in a paper for a change. Congratulations on a job well done.
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