4/29/21 10:22 a.m.
This is a Ford TPS from the late 80's to early 90's.
This particular one is off a Taurus TBI unit ( Abandoned idea for a quicky EFI install on the Falcon 6) but I know similar ones were common throughout the brand.

It is almost perfect for my needs but.....
If I look at it from the input side like this, It turns counter clockwise.

If it turned clockwise I could install it by drilling and tapping two holes in the throttle body. As is i would need to get far more creative than i feel is necessary.
There has to be a readily available version of this sensor that twists the opposite direction, right?
Help me out
Just use the classic Star Trek fix for everything - reverse the polarity! Swapping the 5 volt supply and ground wires will reverse the output curve on a TPS.
Aren't most TPS spring loaded to idle.
4/29/21 10:52 a.m.
It is indeed spring loaded, but this throttle body has a very stiff return spring so I doubt I would notice.
I don't have an answer, tho I used a fairly similar looking TPS - actually the whole TB - off a early 2000s Taurus/Sable, but if you have a JY in close proximity I'd just go there and wander the Ford section.
Turn it over and mount it that way. I had the same problem a long time ago, with a very similar TPS. So I fabricated a different adaptor to mount the opposite direction.
Worked fine that way.
In reply to alfadriver :
Any idea if TPS are generally linear-taper across OEMs? For some reason I'm thinking the one on my Corrado wasn't, but that was ~16 years ago.
4/30/21 9:32 a.m.
To mount it upside down would have required extending the "blade" portion of the shaft or machining the mounting surface down about 6mm. That would have been fine, but I took Matt's advice and simply mounted it as is. The tps spring pressure is the acting opposite of the throttle return spring but is also pretty soft and won't affect anything.

This is an OBD1 VW 2.0 throttle body. The sensor it came with from the junkyard was dead under half throttle. A $60 sensor vs $15 for the Ford piece. I couldn't find a plug kit that fit the 2.0 tps either and didn't feel like trolling a junk yard to reclaim one.
I drilled and tapped two holes and it went right on.