So let's say I have $35K to spend on my new daily driver/family car. I could get any number of new SUV's or Minivans or maybe even a truck. All would ne new, have a warranty and zero miles. Or I could get a G-Wagen with 125,000 miles.
Assuming the rich owner kept it pristine with all maintenance up to date and the interior is spotless, I still don't see who is buying these? (or old S-Class, or old 7-Series, etc). I mean, 150,000 miles is a lot for $35k. How is the seat foam holding up? How are the suspension rubber and hoses and belts? How long does the head gasket have before it goes?
Anyone have experience with these? Is the Mercedes build quality sufficient that after 150,000 miles it still feels better than a new Kia?
Well thanks for that time killer. I can't see spending that kind of coin on a 15 year old MB when less money gets a much newer and lower mileage Cayenne. Or Touarag if you were so inclined. The G-wagon has such industrial/military roots that something built without those requirements is going to be nicer for civilian use. IMHO
I have a fair amount of experience with the early versions. Grey market 230 and 280ge models. Every time I drive one I am absolutely baffled why anyone would want one. Build quality of a 70's Fiat and road manners of a 60's Chevy truck. I am ensured they are very capable off roaders but on the city streets they are miserable.
The brake job i performed on an 83 230g was over 2500 in parts. They have 4 front calipers and share rear drums with a unimog.
Alas I know nothing of the more luxury oriented later models. I will admit that the Spartan interior of the early rigs is my favorite part. It appeals to the same part of me that loves 70's VW rabbits and Fiats. Just what you need and nothing more. If there is very little there, there will be very little to go wrong.
I have an opinion about G-wagen owners. I've expressed it enough times on here that I don't need to repeat myself.
It would depend on the motor, some are better than others, but really, couldn't be much worse than any other old Benz.
It seems all the luxury one's sell for a lot no matter what. I think, you'd be able to sell it for near what you bought it for if you didnt like it.
Hate to tell you, but they're just a rebranded first gen Isuzu Trooper.
Not really, but they certainly look the part.
I’ve always been somewhat of a fan. I used to mainly look at older two door diesels, but with the wife car shopping soon we are looking pretty seriously at cpo g550s. I also have enough crazy cars to not care what people seem to think they know about me based on what I’m driving.
FYI forum has a decent g wagon section, so you’ll probably find more of what you’re looking for there. Some of those guys really beat on them.
I did some body work and painted an older one for a customer a couple years ago. Was lipstick on a pig. Said he just wanted to fix it up so it would look nice for his wife to drive for a little while but I suspect he was just flipping it, feel sorry for whoever ended up with it. I thought it was a piece of crap, I wouldn't have driven it. Maybe later models hold up better.
This place is normally full of enablement. It seems divided at best. I think I would run away....
I LOVE my newer Silverado. Drive one.
I went across Germany in one, including some time on the Autobahn. It was weird and a little terrifying.
One of my favorite movies has the line "I rather be dead and cool than alive and uncool". I feel like that attitude would get you far in a G wagon.
Have to say Cayenne turbo. Love the g wagon to look at but wowsers are they pricey... similar thoughts around land cruisers.
There's two rich real-estate guys who driver around here in G-Wagens. They always have sour looks on their faces. I always figured that it was because they're arrogant bastards. Having read these posts, I think that it may be the vehicle that makes them look unhappy.
I'd rather get a Range Rover from the 2003-2005 era. They've got the boxy looks but are far better drivers, can off-road just as well, have more interior room, and are just far nicer all-around vehicles to drive. And did I mention that you can easily score one for well under $10k? I owned a 2004 with 160k miles that I bought for $3k because it needed a little work. The BMW engines in the 2003-2005 models are easy to work on and parts are easily available.
Drive one. It is a love hate thing. My wife loves these. I drove to and hated it. I hated it more than I hate my wife’s current ride that being a H2
The G wagon and the Landrover Defender are expensive, noisy, uncomfortable and underpowered, but excellent if most of your driving is off road. The pavement queen versions the X5 and the Disco are powerful, comfortable and quiet and....and dont hold their value at all. I have never understood it.
In reply to paranoid_android :
I definitely don’t look like that, although I wouldn’t mind being in slightly better shape.
Here's the thing. Yes there are far better cars, and they're probably even cheaper- but that doesn't mean you shouldn't own a gwagon. I think they're rad. Who doesn't like a car that's been relatively unchanged over the last 50 years, except that it now makes gobs of HP in some versions?!? Some cars are weird when new and cool later one. Old Range Rovers (I know I'm biased), duesenburgs, etc were lame when new- but awesome now. Just my .02.
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