Please vote Rick Astley, this would be epic if we could rick roll the space station.
I work there, so I can't Rick Roll (even though I do have a rick roll on a server out there... tee hee). Serenity FTW.
+1 on rick rolling, but if it is named Serenity will it come with a black preacher and a "companion"?
Done. I love online polls. If you guys win they'll probably still name it Serenity or Felicity or some crap.
Supposedly whatever 4CHAN is (i guess a huge uber-nerd forum) voting for Battletoad...sounds pretty badarse to me
DirtyBird222 wrote: Supposedly whatever 4CHAN is (i guess a huge uber-nerd forum) voting for Battletoad...sounds pretty badarse to me
You have NO idea.
Let's just say they normally get what they want, internet-wise. Or used to, before the cancer.
Osterizer wrote:DirtyBird222 wrote: Supposedly whatever 4CHAN is (i guess a huge uber-nerd forum) voting for Battletoad...sounds pretty badarse to meYou have NO idea. Let's just say they normally get what they want, internet-wise. Or used to, before the cancer.
What the hell is it? And what is the cancer?
DirtyBird222 wrote:Osterizer wrote:What the hell is it? And what is the cancer?DirtyBird222 wrote: Supposedly whatever 4CHAN is (i guess a huge uber-nerd forum) voting for Battletoad...sounds pretty badarse to meYou have NO idea. Let's just say they normally get what they want, internet-wise. Or used to, before the cancer.
Please note: while just about everything funny on the internet in the past 5 years has come out of the 'chan (LOLCats, for example), it is the most NSFW site on the internet. It's probably Not Safe for Home, either.
If you ever want to kill time and learn about the strange culture that is the internet, Encyclopedia Dramatica is good place to start!
THOSE GUYS said: OldMOFOS OldMOFOS are the malignant cells that are killing /b/. They, or rather some of them, were once a creative force for lulz in the universe, posting guro, inventing Caturday, and cyberstalking Cracky-chan. But, like anything old, they have grown stale and E36 M3ty and whine about the younger crop while talking about how great things were back in their day. This is pure bullE36 M3 as anyone with a brain knows that /b/ was never good... The only amount of lulz they produce now is the inevitable drama that results from their posts about how they are leaving /b/ forever. About half of all "cancerous" posts are actually oldMOFOS bitching about the "cancer".
I apologize for my previous actions.
DirtyBird222 wrote: Supposedly whatever 4CHAN is (i guess a huge uber-nerd forum) voting for Battletoad...sounds pretty badarse to me
They're indirectly responsible for Tay Zonday apearing on Late Night shows to perform "Chocolate Rain."
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
They've caused some very messed up stuff.
That being said... where can we see the top 10? I want to see when Battletoad appears. Because it will.
I'm sorry, but "Serenity" is too bitching to pass up.
Hmm... considering the results so far, do you think it's possible that the people interested in the ISS tend to be SF Geeks?
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