My 1998 Sentra truck lock cylinder quit working some time ago. So in true Noddaz fashion I ignored it and used the trunk release in the car. But now is the time to fix it. Took it apart and found what I suspected all along. Dirt build up and general grime in the lock cylinder causing the tumblers to stick. I have cleaned it up and now it works smoothly. Now, what kind of light lube do I use on this for reassembly? Or, what can I use that I have around the house. (Not a lot of planing ahead here.) Just shoot it a few times a year with WD40?
I usually use WD40 every year or so if they get stiff because that's what I can find.
The best stuff is a dry lube so it doesn't attract more dirt and dust again. Something like this.
I'm a professional locksmith and use this every day. It's citrus based and cleans as well as lubricates without leaving a sticky residue (WD-40 will gum up over time in a lock).
Graphite dust and silicone spray have both worked well for me (in separate instances, not together).
Not sure if it is the 'right' thing to do, but I have always soaked in brake parts cleaner to get the old goop out, and then sprayed that white lithium lube in. Seems to work okay, and doesn't get washed out or freeze.
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