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unevolved SuperDork
5/8/15 3:52 p.m.

Yeah, I saw them parked over at the grid when I left, but I was already late enough leaving. Didn't want to make Mrs. Unevolved wait any longer.

I'd appreciate that, thanks.

mazdeuce PowerDork
5/8/15 6:12 p.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: Just left NCM. Sorry I didn't get to meet you, mazdeuce. Every time I went to your car, no one was there (except for someone sleeping in the hatch when I got there, wasn't going to bother him though).

That was my co-driver. After the course walk he was all "f-this track, I need a nap before I drive". I was over seeking shade under an EZ up and talking to the guys who would later crash the corvette. I'm sorry I missed you.

Spoolpigeon UberDork
5/8/15 6:47 p.m.

No worries

Now for some pics!

 photo 1_zpsr2dxxn1g.jpg Proof of miles

 photo 2_zpsjutic5li.jpg

 photo 3_zpsxpiu6vrs.jpg

Evildky showed up to say hello

 photo 5_zpsloncsyth.jpg

This mustang damn near ate it. Came to a stop a few feet from the barriers.

 photo 4_zpsejowjgvz.jpg

The V with the Corvette Museum tower in the background

 photo 6_zpsahxv9y5c.jpg

 photo 7_zpsdcdd0de3.jpg

 photo 8_zpsnxzkefd5.jpg

Quite possibly the best combo ever in line to go on track

 photo 10_zpsl35pwcgp.jpg

 photo 9_zpstrtkpmgx.jpg

And the best trailer on the planet!

 photo 11_zps8ib3quvw.jpg

Evildky in action

 photo 12_zpstr3kb0kq.jpg

I love this wing

 photo 13_zps1y1gi89f.jpg

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 photo 18_zpsk0x12at4.jpg

And these guys win the hardass award. Super nice guys, though.

 photo 20_zpsszuzj3gs.jpg

gl21133 New Reader
5/8/15 10:29 p.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: And these guys win the hardass award. Super nice guys, though.  photo 20_zpsszuzj3gs.jpg

POTD right here. Bad berkeleyin ass.

chuckles HalfDork
5/9/15 10:12 a.m.
gl21133 wrote:
Spoolpigeon wrote: And these guys win the hardass award. Super nice guys, though.  photo 20_zpsszuzj3gs.jpg
POTD right here. Bad berkeleyin ass.

One of them is Charles Espenlaub.

Woody GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/9/15 6:32 p.m.

I'm kind of curious how you would rate yourself on the Tired and Cranky scale at this point.

mazdeuce PowerDork
5/9/15 8:08 p.m.
Woody wrote: I'm kind of curious how you would rate yourself on the Tired and Cranky scale at this point.

I'm cursing. A lot. And I hate everything. I hate the voice the GPS uses. I hate most other drivers. I hate Brock.
My co-driver and I are figuring out what to drive next year.

mazdeuce PowerDork
5/9/15 8:26 p.m.

Tire Rack on the last morning. My co-driver is in the car waiting to start the skid pad. This is supposed to be a dry skid pad but it rained last night and for the early cars it's a moist skid pad. We start in approximately reverse order which means that the slower cars go first and dry it and lay down rubber for the fast cars. We pulled 0.817g. Not bad all things considered, and good enough for 33rd in the skidpad and an overall finishing position of 34 out of 55 cars that recorded times during the event.
One Lap finished with lunch and awards among the tires at Tire Rack. We came home with exactly as many trophies as we expected to. It was fantastic. It was horrible. It was one of the best things I have ever done. In the same breath I'm cursing Brock's existence and figuring what to drive for next year.
I have a lot more to write. Every car that went out has a story. Our stray extra passenger. The few female drivers that somehow managed to look fresh and beautiful every morning while the rest of us descended into a group of hobo refugees. The old guys with grandkids. The guys young enough to be their grandkids. Brock Yates Jr. is a page of stories unto himself.
We're on our way home. The last transit. 1200 miles from Tire Rack back to my driveway. I'm going to rest and sort through pictures and assemble my stories.

Woody GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/9/15 8:31 p.m.

Thanks for giving us the chance to live vicariously through you as you were in the middle of this. I'm sure it would have been a lot easier to forget about us and catch a few extra Z's. We appreciate it.

Have a safe trip home.

OHSCrifle GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/9/15 8:43 p.m.

Outstanding. Looking forward to the post script

NOHOME UltraDork
5/9/15 9:55 p.m.

Standing ovation!

mazdeuce PowerDork
5/10/15 5:00 p.m.

Back where I started, safe in the Grosh. 6180 miles. Many new friendships. Thanks to those who came out to shake my hand or walk me around the track. Thanks to those that offered help along the way. Thanks to those that read this thread and followed along. Time to rest.

bluej SuperDork
5/10/15 5:32 p.m.

SO glad you made it through without major incident. thanks again for keeping us in the loop!! Get some rest!

Kia_Racer Dork
5/10/15 8:11 p.m.

Too cool. Glad you made it home safe and sound with the V in one piece.

Gearheadotaku GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
5/10/15 8:50 p.m.

Congrats on completeing the event.Next year will be here before you know it, Lap Dog!

Brock2 New Reader
5/10/15 8:56 p.m.

Great job guys, and I'm not even upset that you're mad at me. :-)

birkenstockguy New Reader
5/11/15 7:11 a.m.

6180 miles...effectively doubled the number of miles you had on the car already?

Dusterbd13 SuperDork
5/11/15 7:16 a.m.

Dude, fantastic job. Looking forward to the brain dump summary.

Harvey GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/11/15 8:37 a.m.

I kind of get the sentiment of, best time ever, worst time ever. I am no good at perspective when I am sleep deprived.

Looks great from where I'm sitting though!

mikeatrpi Reader
5/11/15 11:53 a.m.

Awesome. This thread would serve as an excellent start to a magazine article as well...

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
5/11/15 12:59 p.m.

Awesome job dude.

Let's start a sweepstakes on the final cost tally inc entry, consumables, gas, needed equipment, food, hotels, licences etc.

I vote for $10,017.36

Winner gets a six pack of their choice hand delivered by Mr Deuce in the wagon

Mad_Ratel Reader
5/11/15 1:38 p.m.

taps foot impatiently for a Grosh update!

just kidding rest up.!

mazdeuce PowerDork
5/11/15 2:17 p.m.

I would be hanging Grosh trusses today but I had to shop, go to the pharmacy, take Deucekid #1 to the eye doctor and then drop the soccer uniforms at the T-shirt shop half an hour away to have sponsor names put on them. I basically spent the whole day driving around. Fantastic rest.

Some thoughts, in no particular order:
We lost 7 cars to mechanical failure and three to on track incidents. That's out of 62 that showed up at Tire Rack the first morning. Finishing isn't guaranteed.
If you do this, wear a HNR. Just about everyone (including me) had at least one off track incident. The Corvette hit the wall nose first at a bit of speed and was lucky that he had only a stiff neck half an hour later. It could have been much worse, but it could have easily been prevented too.
None of the cars wore out their tires. We should drive harder?
Street tires have limited grip. The more tire you can fit and the more driven wheels you have, the better. Standing starts on the first lap amplify this effect.
There's a lighthouse in the middle of Nebraska. It's on a lake. It's weird. Having a good data plan on your cell phone so you can ask your co-driver to look up things like that makes the drive easier. You can also pass the time shopping for early 60's cabover trucks online.
Having matching schedules saves time. Both of us were "roll out of bed and be eating in the lobby 7 minutes later" type of people. Worked great. When we picked up our third guy on day three he had a different schedule. He needed 20 minutes to get his E36 M3 together. That's fine, sort of, but until we explained how we did things on day five, it made us grumpier than needed. We had a talk, and sorted it out and then it was all better. Anything you can do to reduce friction between people in the car is good. You WILL start to develop irrational hatred by mid week.
Getting to the track an hour early has two benefits. 1: You get to walk it. This is a HUGE benefit if you haven't seen it before. Bring a bike if you have room, a razor scooter if you don't, and Rollerblades if it's really tight. Moving faster means more laps around and better visualization. 2. Being early means you get the good parking. There was covered parking at most tracks, but not enough for all of us. No matter where you are you want shelter from either the rain or the sun. When there isn't covered parking there is always some sort of covered spot where you can tuck away your gear when you unload. Picnic pavillians, building overhangs, something. You want that spot, and the only way to get it is to be early.

mazdeuce PowerDork
5/13/15 2:32 p.m.

What did it cost? Lots of you want to know this.
I'll start with what it cost the two of us to do the event itself.
$3000 Entry fee.
$875 Seven nights in hotels at $125 a night. Also two nights for free at my brother in law's house.
$952.05 for 336.66 gallons of gas (18.36mpg for the trip)
$700 for food and shirts and stickers and stuff. We spent right about $350 each.
$5527.05 for two of us to do One Lap of America door to door. We're splitting costs so my part of this is $2763.53
We could certainly have done it for less, but not a LOT less without bringing on a third driver.
Now I'll figure out what it cost me to get ready.

docwyte Dork
5/13/15 3:01 p.m.

It cost you more than that. You're not including the required set of tires you had to buy from the Tire Rack.

You should also have a line item for the required helmet and drivers suit.

You also may want to add a (discretionary) line item for any parts you added to the car for the event, like brake pads etc.

Once you add in those other bits I think you'll find the number to exceed $8k...

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