I've been slowly combing through my photos and uploading them to my new site. I just got all of the pics up from the "Spring Break Out", our first event of the season. These pics are from 2009 and I got them up now because SBO 2010 is this weekend. Enjoy!
PS - Click on the pic twice to blow it up to full size. Feel free to save and use them as long as you give credit to me and the site.
[threadjack] ....our MSCC event for march was yesterday. It was nice to see the LeGrand in action:
...back to your regularly scheduled programming.
It's not a threadjack, it's a theme. Here's some from another Central Florida autocross this weekend.
Tom Heath wrote:![]()
How do I put GRM logo on my pictures? Or is it only for GRM official pictures? Thanks.
the mscc event has numbers and class letters, you might be confusing that with p71s event
here are mine from the last mscc http://www.flickr.com/photos/dirtybird222/sets/72157623578474272/
and last month http://www.flickr.com/photos/dirtybird222/sets/72157623251589123/
jstein77 wrote: And of course, I've already shown you this: Volvo starting off
Hell yes!
Pics from the Atlanta Region SCCA's Points event #1 this past weekend...
Gallery 1 http://picasaweb.google.com/atlantamx3/2010AutocrossPoints1030710Gallery1#
Gallery 2 http://picasaweb.google.com/atlantamx3/2010AutocrossPoints1030710Gallery2#
All the cars I posted have numbers. I see a BMW, a Volvo, and a Miata w/o them posted by Tom from Central Florida.
That 914/6 is a real 914/6 with a killer 6 in the middle. It's usually FTD overall unless a B-Mod shows up, and even then it's a shootout. The multi-colored FC RX-7 is the only one to take it down more than once. It's LS1 powered and runs 275's/305's!
1slowcrx wrote: For the MSCC event. how do you guys keep up with things with no numbers of class letters?
The event from CFRC had no numbers or class designations. They typically only see 20 or so cars, and all the participants understand these events will be low-key, and the only trophy is a good time. Consider it more of a practice/seat time event; timing is handled with a stopwatch.
You also get as many runs as you want and don't have to shag cones. Therefore, I can shoot a ton of pictures, get home in time to still spend time with the wife and kids, and process all the photos on the same day. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
ea_sport wrote: How do I put GRM logo on my pictures? Or is it only for GRM official pictures? Thanks.
That's (one of) the other thing(s) I was working on this weekend. Look for this feature on our website in the future. I've got the process automated on my computer, but need to work on making it an option for users who post photos on the site.
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