Hey guys,
I saw a guy last year with an old 70's vintage hatchback(maybe a Nova) with these neat repair units on his hatch struts in the rear of the car. What they are called I don't know,but I can describe them.
They were a spring-loaded half of a piece of pipe for lack of a better description,and they clamped on the piston end of the hatch support. While opening or closing the hatch the half pipe rode on the larger part of the hatch support,and as you got it open enough the spring pressure would snap it down on the piston part,and you would lower he hatch a bit,and the half pipe would rest against the large part of the support,and not allow the hatch to close. It was a very ingenious piece,and one that I wish I had thought of. At the time I didn't think to ask what they were called,or where to get them as I had no use,but now with my new to me 78 Datsun 510 I could use a set. I remember the guy telling me they weren't expensive,and that they even came with a small hack saw to trim the half pipe to the desired length depending on your application.
I can't seem to find these online,and that is why I am here. Any help would be much appreciated,or if you can turn me on to a place to get new lift supports for a 78 510 that would be even better.
nickle_dime: I knew that was coming. Sorry,but a "real" 510 was not in my budget.
aussiemg: No one has found the thing I was talking about YET. I know rock auto shows that they can get the lift supports(link say it is for a station wagon,not a coupe),but I suspect they are just a universal fit lift support,and not the correct ones for the car.The thing I was describing uses the factory lift supports,but allows them to hold open the hatch instead of falling on my head.
This thing I am talking about is a glorified,nicer looking, vice grip in what it does. Maybe I need to draw a picture as to what it is I am looking for.
My friend simply slid a piece of copper tubing over the piston on his BMW hood. When you opened the hood, the tubing slid to the side, holding it open. What it lacked in refinement, it made up for in its simple functionality.
I know what you're talking about. I used to have one years ago on my CRX. They were cheap and effective.
Haven't seen them on the market for years. I think it's long gone.
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