Crap, I'm wavering now:
I've been looking at this FC for two weeks now. I think it has potential to be a nice summer DD and autocrosser, and I'm confident I can fix the interior and high idle within my budget. My father has reservations about the amount of money it will cost to repair the interior and not being able to drive it during the winter months, and would rather I wait for spring to arrive before I go sports-car shopping. Either way, it's my decision. Lacking any car-literate friends in real life, I'm asking GRMers for their input: Would you wait till spring to buy a sports/autocross car, or would you buy it during the "off-season?"
New Reader
10/30/08 8:55 p.m.
I'm going absolutely insane, I need something to work on for the winter. Sounds like a fun car and for sure tons of support. Guy says he'll take the first good offer, lowball the crap out've him and see what happens.
craigslist said:The gaskets in the shifter wore out and give a sloppy shift, shifts fine just a little loose.
just make sure this guy hasn't monkeyed up too many repairs.. He sounds like a winner.
On the other hand, could be a good
10/30/08 9:01 p.m.
If you work on it in the "off-season" you'll have it working for the "on season" 
ignorant wrote:
craigslist said:The gaskets in the shifter wore out and give a sloppy shift, shifts fine just a little loose.
just make sure this guy hasn't monkeyed up too many repairs.. He sounds like a winner.
On the other hand, could be a good
The shifter bushings go sour on these transmissions pretty easily, or so I've been told. It's an easy fix, and hey, the waste of skin already partially disassembled the shifter for me! He has a whole bunch of receipts for recent maintenence and wiring diagrams, which are great since the horn and the wipers had to be jury-rigged to work. I've followed FC3S buyer's guides religiously, and other than the idle and shifter, the car is mechanically sound. I can't see any overheating issues. I could possibly sell the RX-7 for more than he's asking and it turns out I can't keep it. I'm going back tomorrow, I'll keep you all informed of how it goes.
Mmm, that's tempting. I had one for a while, and it was a darn sweet car. I'd like to have another. I'd go look at it, with a thousand dollars in one pocket, and five hundred in the other.
Sounds like a deal to me. I already have a rotary-7 and I would still buy this. Good deal for a S4 GXL (interior parts are a lot easier to come by then you think).
Did I miss something here?
1) you like the car in general.
2) you can work on cars in general, and this one in particular.
3) you want to race
4) money is always an issue, so cheap is good.
5) for next season, time is on your side.
Duh. Get it.
I'm going to get the RX-7 tomorrow. My friend has an F-150 and I was able to get a hold of a trailer from U-Haul. Time's going to be tight, as he gets out of National Guard drill at 4pm and we need to get the trailer back to U-Haul by 7pm. The alternative is that I would have had to wait till next Tuesday for plates/insurace/etc. to come though, then take a commuter train into Boston, then another to Lynn (where the car is located).
I have a feeling my dad is going to flip when he sees the interior, but I'm positive I can fix this car! This is as much to prove to myself that I can fix cars, and on a budget, as it is to have a toy/auto-X car.
Get it!
It so happens I have a 1990 'vert with some (not much) good interior stuff. Might be able to help you out.
Thanks, Jensenman. Shipping from S.C. to Mass. will be steep, but if I can't find a part locally, I'll keep you in mind. I've already decided to buy the FC. The first thing I'm going to do when it's home is make an inventory of what needs to be fixed/replaced.
Join , lots of guys parting out FC's and lots of RX-7 specific info ;)
It's home... I'll make a new post when I can get pics.