Need some help from the braintrust. I'm putting together a newsletter for work (as a lot of you know, I work in the auto insurance business). I always try to put in some fun and interesting facts/figures, that people don't get too bored. For this issue, I wanted to list 3 "interesting" vehicles that are not sold here in the US. I'm going to list one comical/bizarre vehicle, one exotic car, and one piece of E36 M3.
For the comical car, I'm using the Tata Magic Iris.

I could use some input on the exotic and the crappy car, especially the crappy one. I was looking for something still based in Cold War era technology. Something like the Trabant, but they stopped making it years ago. I need something still in production. Ideas?
XJ Cherokee is still in production in China.
I think they continued making MKi or MKii Golfs up until last year as well?
The Hindustan Ambassador is probably the best example you'll find. Look it up in Wikipedia.
Don't know if motorcycles fit within your parameters, but check out the Royal Enfield just for grins, anyway.
IIRC, the WV Type 2 "Kombi" is still in production in Brazil:

The Morgan +4 is still in production:

And I think you can still buy a new Lada Niva:

Although the limousine character is optional.
Basil Exposition wrote:
The Hindustan Ambassador is probably the best example you'll find. Look it up in Wikipedia.
Edit to include a hotlink

The Lada Niva just recently went out of production.
Doesn't the Indian market still have the Morris Oxford based car (sorry, don't know the name) sold there?
If you really want the old/but still in production vehicles, you have to look at the Iran/Iraq/Egypt....that area of the world, market.
Basil Exposition wrote:
The Hindustan Ambassador is probably the best example you'll find. Look it up in Wikipedia.
Perfect! That's exactly what I was looking for.
Now to grab the exotic car. Lots of good choices out there....
The still make the classic nissan sentra in mexico.
The Golf MK1 - dubbed the Citi Golf
Was in production in Africa until 2009
Nissan continued to sell the Hardbody PU for years elsewhere. Not sure its still in production now though. It came with a diesel elsewhere, never here.
spitfirebill wrote:
Nissan continued to sell the Hardbody PU for years elsewhere. Not sure its still in production now though. It came with a diesel elsewhere, never here.
yeah the b13 sentra and d21 hardbody are still sold in mexico
Any idea what (if anything) they make in North Korea? I'm guessing that's pretty old school. (Edit - I was wrong - they mostly assemble knock-down kits from Chinese manufacturers, so they're kind of up to date. )
For exotics:
What about Caterham? I don't know how faithful it is to the original Lotus 7, but the spirit is definitely there.
Is Shelby still 'finding' chassis' for the Cobra?
Edit - Sorry, I just realized you said 'not sold in the US'. Forget my suggestions then.