I have a 1984 Porsche 944 that is a great car, but it is slow, very slow.
The motor is a great runner and worth a few bucks around here. I could sell it as is for approx. $1500 or so.
I have been thinking of swaps lately and due to the fact that I enjoy belonging to the PCA, I'd like to do a VW/Audi/Porsche related swap. I will need some way to adapt the bellhousing to anything I install but being a transaxle car, I would think it actually makes life easier.
My first thought was a Audi 4.2 V8 swap. Expensive I assume, and what to do about engine mgmt.? The wiring would give me fits I'm sure.
Then I thought about an Audi 20V Turbo swap, good luck. Engines are super rare and therefore very pricey.
What about an Audi 3.2v6? I know nothing. I assume it's related to the VR6?
Any other swaps I'm missing? I'd like it to be no heavier than the orig. 2.5L and it has to be related. It also has to be relatively affordable. I am a Tig welder by trade so no issues with fabrication. I've built custom mounts, cages, turbo setups, etc., no worries there. I'd also like it to make approx. 200hp at the rear wheels. Not really interested in a Porsche 4 cyl. swap.(S2 or 968)
The 20v doesn't have to be THAT expensive.... grab an n/a variant, it'll still hold decent power. If you need more, lower the compression a bit with some forged slugs.
The N/A variant is not well respected for some reason. It only has 170 hp, not much more than I currently have. That swap has been done and is smoked by a stock 2.5L. I'd much rather get a full swap that requires no engine building. It's cheaper and better that way IMO anyway. I like factory assembled engines, they can do it much better than I can.
johnnytorque wrote: Not sure the 1.8T is used in a RWD config. That's kind of a requirement.![]()
I've seen VW water cooled engines put into a Samurai before, and while the Samurai guys usually go for diesels, I suspect the same combination of parts would work for a 1.8T.
How much does the early V8 Quattro engine weigh?
I'm pretty sure there's at least one 944 out there with a VR6 in it. Don't have links handy as of now though.
An Audi V8 would be amazing, this is the one that really is at the top of my list.
I will assume that going with a setup like that Megasquirt will be a very good option and should be high on my list?
99 Passat 1.8t... While the Passat is FWD, the engine is mounted north/south rather than transverse like in a Golf or Jetta....
Ah, the 2.7 TT, I can't imagine that would either cheap, or easy to install. But DAMN it would be quick!
Is the Audi 3.2 V6 related to the VR6?
Streetwiseguy wrote: I can't believe nobody on the board has suggested this yet. You guys are losing your touch.![]()
I'm cereal, this is the ticket. I'm in the beginning stages of an LS1 into a 944 and you can't beat it. If you sell the N/A for $1500 that'll get you a 300+ hp LS1 with wiring and ECU.
DrBoost wrote:Streetwiseguy wrote: I can't believe nobody on the board has suggested this yet. You guys are losing your touch.I'm cereal, this is the ticket. I'm in the beginning stages of an LS1 into a 944 and you can't beat it. If you sell the N/A for $1500 that'll get you a 300+ hp LS1 with wiring and ECU.![]()
And with a 944 you don't have to buy the expensive t-56! (you will probably want to upgrade to a 944 turbo trans though)
If you use the 924 turbo bell housing, you can bolt up many of the Audi engine families that use the I5 bell housing pattern.
The clutch splines on the 944 and 924 turbo are a pretty common pattern shared with Audi, Chrylser, Ford, etc.
www.034motorsports.com sells an adapter for the VR6 to the I5 bell housing pattern.
The Audi 2.8, 3.0, 2.7, 3.2 are essentially the same as the v8. They are wider angle v6's than the vr6 and the bell housing pattern is different. The 4.2 and v6 share bellhosuings with the I5 from what I can tell.
The engine management would be easier if it was ditched and replaced with something off the shelf.
There's a thread on the 924board.org in the engine swaps section about a 20V turbo swap into a 924S (narrow body 944) he shows pictures of his mounts and oil pan modifications.
Another option is a 944 turbo swap or move up to a 968 engine. More power and much closer to a drop-in solution.
Hope this helps and keep us in the loop so we can live vicariously through your engine swap :)
Streetwiseguy wrote: I can't believe nobody on the board has suggested this yet. You guys are losing your touch.![]()
Yes, a fantastic swap, no doubt. But it's been done over and over and I will no longer be welcome in the PCA. I'd like to keep it in the family.
Turboswede: Thanks, that is some great info and exactly what I'm looking for. No interest in a turbo 944 swap or 968. It's been done many times, no fun there.
johnnytorque wrote: Not sure the 1.8T is used in a RWD config. That's kind of a requirement.![]()
They mount in the correct orientation if you get one out of an A4.
johnnytorque wrote:Streetwiseguy wrote: I can't believe nobody on the board has suggested this yet. You guys are losing your touch.Yes, a fantastic swap, no doubt. But it's been done over and over and I will no longer be welcome in the PCA. I'd like to keep it in the family.![]()
So, when I'm done with the LS44 I can't join the PCA? I planned on it, I hear it's a great club full of good people. I hope the fact that I'm sliding a big American muscle in a tight German body (sorry, I just had to) won't exclude me.
The local PCA guys don't have any issue with my LS1 swapped 951. It's by far the best swap for the car. All the other swaps will cost you a TON more money and make LESS hp, as well as be less reliable with higher parts costs.
If you want to "Keep it in the family", spend the big bucks and drop in a 944 S2 or 968 motor, but realize that you're spending more money for less vs the LSx swap....
My impression is that at least the local PCA here doesn't much care whether you're driving a Porsche at all, excepting that they divide non-Porsches into another class at autocrosses.
Or are you concerned that while showing up in a Subaru is fine, an "impure" Porsche would be some kind of sacrilege?
johnnytorque wrote: I will no longer be welcome in the PCA. I'd like to keep it in the family.
Not true. You only need to have a valid Porsche VIN to be in the PCA. They don't care what it's powered by.
<<< (PCA Member and our local Chapter includes an STi-powered 914, LS1 944, and a WRX-powered 912).
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