Looking for some reflective paint like used on street signs.
White in color
Oil based
Dries hard (not elastomeric)
Sprayable (ideally with a regular gun)
Any ideas?
You might try searchng conspicuity paint 3M. Another idea would be to search for and download the MUTCD, which is the federal guide for uniform traffic control devices, and see if they have a list of approved retroreflective coatings. MUTCD is the bible for road signs, signalling, etc.
e_pie wrote: Might have to look in to a vinyl wrap for a street sign type of reflection.
Reflective vinyl is very thick so it is hard to wrap stuff, if it is going on a flat then it is perfect.
Its going in a blast pit we are installing, don't know why the customer spec'd it or the sales guy agreed to it, but now the shop manager and I have to figure it out. So vinyl is out. Gotta be paint, gotta be easy to apply, gotta be available in high volumes (no rattle cans)
Hopefully get a sales order exception and paint it white. The paint store suggested just painting it white, throwing a bunch of the glass beads at it while wet, and clearing over the top.
procainestart wrote: ... Another idea would be to search for and download the MUTCD, which is the federal guide for uniform traffic control devices, and see if they have a list of approved retroreflective coatings. MUTCD is the bible for road signs, signalling, etc.
I think most of the sign material comes in sheets or rolls and is cut out and adhered to the sign.
Just to add a data point, I think traffic signage is not just reflective, it is also phosphorescent; it actually glows a bit from absorbing some of the light that hits it. Not super relevant to the discussion, but just a fun fact. J
I checked with Janel, who hires asphalt stripers all the time. The paint is reflective because of glass beads. So the paint shop wasn't far off. I'd still make the effort to pick up the phone and talk to some stripers, but if you only want internets contact these guys: http://www.liquidreflector.com/Reflectiveglassbeads.html. Note that the paints linked by procainstart are just the paint,you need to add beads.
I have some traffic signs in my garage. The garage is underground, so when you turn off the lights it gets DARK. They're not phosphorescent, merely reflective.
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