I live in the middle of nowhere and would like to have a set of scales at the house to help avoid flailing at the track. I'm just not good at buying new things, so I'd rather not do that. If I could find a good set for a fair price, I would consider used...any experiences there would be appreciated. My true nature says, build them. So....any ideas on the best way to go about a grassroots scale build?
Unfortunately I have been through this many times too.
If you can find a set of used by all means grab them, but you will probably spend a significant amount of money and time to build something. And then they may only work so so.
My opinion - corner balancing is for fine tuning and thus requires a finely tuned set of scales and turnplates. I'd say hold out for a set of used Intercomp scales.
Do you have a drive-on lift or a really flat concrete pad?
In reply to Tyler H:
I have a two post lift, and my shop floor is nice and flat. I have borrowed scales from a friend in the past and was able to dial them in pretty easily, but that fellow moved. I see a few sets on racingjunk for sale. Thanks for the feedback.
In reply to jh36:
My set of scales are 4 matched bathroom types and a 10-1 lever arm pad arrangement. I've used for 30 plus years and still set up any race car with them..
Caution, any scale system depends on having an honestly flat floor as a basis to work off of.. While all floors look flat the only way to find out is to use water.. Seriously, next time you clean your floor hose it down. Then let it dry. The slightly high places will dry first and the low spots will dry last.. If one corner is high you'll need to shim up the other three corners.. How much? Well, it might need a sheet or two of paper, a floor tile, a sheet of aluminum, or some combination of things. Depends on where the scales land.
How do you know when you've got it right? When your scales all repeat
Robbie wrote: Unfortunately I have been through this many times too. If you can find a set of used by all means grab them, but you will probably spend a significant amount of money and time to build something. And then they may only work so so.
This right here.
I messed around with using a pair of bathroom scales at each corner with a 2X12 laid across them. Pain to set up, pain to read, poor repeatability, etc. Started looking at buying load cells and a controller, but couldn't find any used ones with enough of a load rating and new ones are $, so it was cheaper to just buy a set of scales. I bought a set of Rebco brand - they were about 20-30% less than intercomps. Very happy with them.
If you really want to build something, google Ruggles scales. But those require a lot of space on each side of the car and make a nice trip hazard
Buy, borrow, or build? All three!
I borrowed what I could, then built a set with bathroom scales (PITA), then bought a used set (which I replaced when a load cell died), then bought a nearly new set, and have since paid to have them calibrated a couple times.
I have seen very few options on the used market- if they are not calibrated, they are not offering you any value at all. Most people are not selling perfect condition used scales.
But they are wonderful to have.
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