Toyman01 + Sized and said:In reply to frenchyd :
Again, factually incorrect. I've done the math multiple times on multiple vehicles. It is never cheaper to buy new.
I buy used work trucks for my company. I buy fleet trucks with 120k-150k miles on them for 15-25% of a new truck and run them until 300k-400k. Repairs never come close to the payments on a new truck.
The two Colorado trucks I just sold ended up costing about 2 cents per mile over their ownership for purchase and repairs. You will never approach those numbers with a new vehicle.
The only reason to buy a new vehicle is because you want one.
My last new truck cost me $87.50 per month over its lifetime.* Payment plus repairs. ( not including maintenance costs which you'll have regardless of buying new or used)
* the only reason the truck went to the junkyard with a perfectly running engine, transmission, 50% tires, etc. was the dreaded tin worm had attacked the truck to the point of safety. Those who live in non rust belt states could easily have many more years out of it.
Ego, pride, desire had nothing to do with buying new. I've been buying new since 1972. I've never once traded in a car. It's pure economics.
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