11/4/14 7:07 p.m.
Wow man. I have thought about that very swap. Crap, I should buy that and enter it in the challenge....
Here's the original listing: Fortunately I have no time/space/desire for that mess, as I'm only about 1:10 away from there.
Add alot of lightness re coupe $$$$ and wake up the motor and go to the challenge. 
Of course it has to be right down the road from me...
And it's only 2 hours from me.....but...too much project.
i saw this a few days ago... i tried to forget about it.... thanks
11/5/14 6:32 a.m.

Already had the floors replaced with flat tin. How could this possibly go wrong?
Still for a one time challenge entrant, there is potential.
Oh man, that could be such a cool challenge project for those with more skill than me. Inspiration:

Every so often, browsing this forum is dangerous for my wallet 
11/5/14 4:01 p.m.
Izzat a convertible with a hard top? Or a Coupe?
I kinda wish I was closer.
In reply to Woody:
Ah, please stop posting those rally SLC pictures. Too tasty. I wish they imported the manual 280SLC to the U.S.
In reply to EvanB:
That thing looks all sorts of awesome.
The more people that post pictures making this seem plausible, the more I'm glad I'm an ocean away from both that car and my checkbook