I posted this on the VW racism thread yesterday. I urge everyone to think about your language and assumptions.
If you grew up in the United States of America the chances are, like me, you are not good at talking about racism, prejudice and bias. Lets acknowledge that collectively we are not good at this and we are going to make some mistakes.
Language is important, there are a lot of words and phrases with strong connotations for others we may not be aware of. I am going to offer up a few definitions and distinctions of my own.
Race – A grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into a category generally viewed as distinct by a society.
Racism – Active hated, devaluing, and/or dehumanizing of a group of people for being of a particular race.
Racist – hating, devaluing, and/or dehumanizing something or someone because its associated with a particular racial group.
Bias – disproportionately weighted expectations or attitudes, positive or negative, you have about people or things based on beliefs and sometimes life experiences.
Prejudice - a negative opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without direct knowledge, thought, or reason.
We all have prejudges and biases. It is part of how minds work. Let me throw a few words hopefully non-political words up and observe your reaction to them.
Formula Drift
Pontiac Aztec
Prius owners
Ford vs Chevy
Figure Stating
I could continue the list, but I am guessing we all have an opinion or feeling about something on the the list that we don't have direct experience with. (Full discloser, I have never driven an Aztec, but don't want one for some irrational reason). We are often not conscious of our prejudices/biases and get really defensive when they are pointed out. It doesn’t make me or you a bad person by itself. I try to be aware of my biases, and counter act them when I realize they are not working for me or harming someone.
There is no room in this community for active racism. (Thank You Moderators). Strong biases and racist beliefs are definitely here because this forum because the majority of the members are male and North American. We are not actively racist, but we still have been taught a lot of wrong-headed, wrong-hearted, bullE36 M3 that harms us, our loved ones and everything we say we care about. I am trying everyday to learn and do better. I invite everyone here to help me and to do the same for yourself.