AMiataCalledSteve said:
One of the benefits of running in a dead class in my local club (CSP, I'm the only one in the class) is that I learned that my competition is self-determined and event-wide. Though I do try to keep any mods inside the ruleset for CSP, nobody cares what I do to my car as long as it passes tech, and I consider my competition to be whoever is setting times close to me. That means my Miata is competing against Porsches and Luxuses (Lexii??) as well as my personal goal of beating every other Miata at the event (finally accomplished at the last event of the season this year :P). It's relaxed and fun and I think that's what autocross is supposed to be.
I suppose that's not particularly helpful to the topic at hand, other than to say that at least at the local level classing doesn't have to have much impact on a novice's experience. My dad and I have been introducing my sisters to the sport and they have no real care about what class they're in, they just come to drive. You run what you brung, you end up in the class you end up in, and then you race people who lay down similar times to you regardless of which class they are in and you have a good time. IDK if adding more classes will really affect the novice experience that much.
Competition seen as setting times close to one another is less relevant to me than how I compare to those in the pointy end of a particular class in a particlar type of car.
No, my STR car is not going to win against a new Miata, but for me it's fun to know that I'm within x of a particular car type/driver set.
If I put my car in XB where lots of things are allowed that I won't spend the money and effort on, eh, fun to go around the cones anyway, but I can save the entry fee drive up Mt. Lemmon to go around corners if I don't care about how I really compare.
Sort of the point about having a place to run the E21 with it's mild mods that put in modified categories. While I swapped the cam and induction, it's not a 306 deg monster and side drafts, it's a mild street cam and a Weber progressive. I can run it in XB, but if a bunch of flared winged turbo Miatas show up, eh, no reason to bring it to an event.
So, classing matters to me. YMMV.
As to run what you brung, sure, but if I'm going to be timed I still care about how the car and driver fare against others in "similar" equipment.
The rules for XS allow an awful lot, but not everybody has the same time, proclivity, fabrication skill, money, or type of car.
Maybe some of the CAM classes and XS could be combined in some way for those that max out their time, proclivities, fab skills and money on a car for a max effort nationals effort, but if those complaing about too many classes don't care about some level of playing field, why are you bitching about classes anyway?
Run your car in "Open" with no classing at all and be done with it.