I have accepted your words as truth, Evan. First there was denial, then justification, and finally acceptance.
There was another thread somewhere that proclaimed trailer welders to be among the worst, and I spent some time being offended by that (I was a structural and ornamental weldor before I was a trailer weldor), but eventually had to admit that it was true. It has been a week of growth for me.
Anyway, today, I pulled the axles,

including the leaf springs and all the hardware.

Stuff is soaking in EVAP-O-RUST, the axles got the wire wheel, and a coat of fake Ospho.
The bottom of the trailer looks like this:

So I was finally able to justify buying one of these-a Surface Conditioner from the Hammer Store:

They are pretty hard to come by, and a lot of luck, combined with a fair drive a few towns over were how I got mine.
This is a before picture:

60 or 90 seconds later, that area looked like this:

That was with the 40 grit wheel, and 3 out of 5 on speed, I believe. Pretty decent, but the real story is how nice the tool was to use. Reasonably quiet, not too heavy, and quite smooth and low effort compared to say an angle grinder with a flap disc.
Finally, another reminder: cutting discs explode. Wear those safety glasses.

Maybe a flip up shield in addition to the glasses, like they insisted on in some of the pickier OSHA approved factories I've worked in.