Doris_from_Norris New Reader
9/11/19 6:18 a.m.

Hey All,

I'm selling a car to an out of state buyer and part of the deal is that I am responsible for shipping the car. So far I have gone to one of the many shipping websites and put in the info about the car and promptly received 10+ quotes from brokers, all of which were about the same price. 

Anyone ever shipped through a broker like this or have any other tips for me? I want to have a good idea of pitfalls before committing to a certain company. 


John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
9/11/19 7:14 a.m.

You are a fool if you, the seller, are responsible for the shipping. 

If the buyer sent you a check, do not deposit it! 

goingnowherefast GRM+ Memberand Reader
9/11/19 7:35 a.m.

YOU the seller should NEVER be responsible for shipping the car. Period. 

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/11/19 8:24 a.m.

What the guys above said.

Unless the money has hit your account via a proper wire transfer, the choice of broker to ship the car is really the least of the problems you have.

John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
9/11/19 8:32 a.m.

In my post above, I come off as condescending and confrontational.  My apologies. 

But, I was trying to accentuate that I think you might be getting scammed. 

I would rather be helpful.  What more can you tell us about this sale?

  • is the buyer someone you know?
  • has the buyer ever actually seen the car in person? 
  • what method did the buyer use to send you payment? 
  • how far does the car have to travel?    
engiekev Reader
9/11/19 9:26 a.m.

I agree completely that as the seller it is not your responsibility or obligation for vehicle transport.   If you want to be accommodating, you can refer the buyer to a broker that you have had experience with in the past, otherwise it's on them for shipping logisitics.

Side note, I have heard from friends who ship frequently that Montway is tough to beat for good prices and service.  I'd steer away from Uship , I've used it several times without issue but it's really a mixed bag.

1988RedT2 UltimaDork
9/11/19 9:40 a.m.

I will second the cautionary note about dealing with an out-of-area buyer.  Be aware that even legit-looking Cashier's Checks are commonly used in scams.  Do not assume you are good after your bank accepts the check.  Call the actual issuing bank using a verified phone number and make sure the check is legit.  If the check is already deposited, ask your bank how long it takes to positively verify the funds.

Slippery GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/11/19 9:53 a.m.

I wanted a car that was in California but thought the price was too high, I made an offer and the seller declined to lower the price but as an incentive said he would pay for the shipping to Florida. I agreed and wired the money. 

A week later the car was at my house. 

It could be a scam or it could be legit. Just make sure you get the money wired and make sure you document the state of the car as it is leaving your driveway, also write on the bill of sale that you are not responsible for anything after it leaves your possession. 

In my case the seller facetimed me and showed me the whole car right before it was picked up as well as sent pictures. 

californiamilleghia HalfDork
9/11/19 10:00 a.m.

I think there is a middle road here ....

You find someone local to ship it and set up when you will be available , how the hauler gets to your house etc ...

Then you give that info to the buyer to pay....

it works out for you because you have talked to the shipper  and not some random guy that just shows up,

and the buyer pays so the shipping contract is with the buyer.....

Klayfish PowerDork
9/11/19 10:32 a.m.

I've shipped cars many times, as recently as 3 months ago.  I always have used U-Ship and had nothing but good experiences.

However, I agree with the others.  Your description sounds like a well known scam.  Proceed with extreme, over-the-top caution.

Doris_from_Norris New Reader
9/11/19 11:31 a.m.
John Welsh said:

In my post above, I come off as condescending and confrontational.  My apologies. 

But, I was trying to accentuate that I think you might be getting scammed. 

I would rather be helpful.  What more can you tell us about this sale?

  • is the buyer someone you know?
  • has the buyer ever actually seen the car in person? 
  • what method did the buyer use to send you payment? 
  • how far does the car have to travel?    

No offense taken. I never read too far into responses. I have sold plenty of cars through the magic of the internet so I am aware of all types of scams. I have been in contact with the buyer for about two weeks. In that time, we have worked together to make sure that he knows exactly what he is getting with plenty of documented photos and videos. Payment will be sent through paypal. The car will be shipped from my house in Tennessee to him in Washington state. 

The main information I am after is recommendation on a shipping company. I have checked out all the ratings through BBB but I put a little more value on reviews that come from equally minded car crazed individuals like myself that hang out on here. 

John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
9/11/19 11:55 a.m.

Okay but the PayPal portion makes me a little uneasy.  However, in full disclosure, I accepted payment via PayPal for a car from another well respected GRM'er.  I can't go as far as to say that I knew the individual but I can say that I knew how to get ahold of him/find him.  

I've shipped many.  In this thread I give direct contact info to the most recent independent shipper I used.  He is Jacksonville, FL based and he moved a Prius for me from Ohio to Illinois.  He was making giant loop staying West of the Mississippi.  I do not know if he runs to Washington State but it is easy enough to just ask him.   My trip with him was 75 cents per mile.  My trip was only 440 miles.  

Your trip will be more than 2,000 miles.  You can often get better per mile rates on really long trips.  I would try to get down into the 60 cent range.  In years past I was getting 1,000 mile trips down to the 50 cent range.  

I guess it would seem that you have little incentive to get this moved cheaply and much more incentive to get it moved effectively meaning safely, timely and without worry.  The more you spend, the better the service you will get!!  

Tac1 New Reader
9/11/19 1:34 p.m.

I've used uShip in the past without any issue. It's your best bet for holding shipping companies accountable, since they don't get paid until the vehicle has been delivered in one piece. Plus, the added benefit of reviews.

I personally would take a cashier check over PayPal. With PayPal, he can end up tying up your funds, for a long period, or worse, over anything he desires. Make sure you have a thorough bill of sales signed before shipping.

FWIW, someone received a free item from me, all because USPS didn't deliver it on time. He filed a complaint, won and the item arrived the following day.

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