I went back to read the manual about what type of diff oil to use and low and behold it said to change the stuff every 60K. It has been 5 years and who knows how many miles (100K???) as the odometer stopped about the time I change the train the last time. I think I may have a clue as to why this let go. By the way it does not seem to be the usual R&P failure this time I sounds like a bearing. Either an output stub axle bearing or something in the actual trans. I wont know until I take it apart.
This always scares me. My 944's trans whines like nobody's business, probably R&P bearings. I will have it out to do the torque tube this winter and may tear into it then, depends on how motivated I am at the time.
For transmission oil use any GL4 gear oil. I changed to Redline MT90 when I got mine and it helped a balky 3rd gear syncho. From my reading many swear by Swepco but there's a Redline dealer 5 minutes from my office and I've had good success with MT90 in my old Miata. I'll probably change it out annually given how hard I intend to beat on this car - autocross and HPDE will be its primary purpose in life.
At least they're just Audi transaxles, parts and knowledge aren't too hard to find. Plus they're easier to change than their original installations (Audi FWD)
turboswede wrote: At least they're just Audi transaxles, parts and knowledge aren't too hard to find. Plus they're easier to change than their original installations (Audi FWD)
I think you are talking the original 924? They had the old Audi snail shell unit.
Good 944 ones are getting harder to find as they are blowing up. Ones from a 951 are commanding $$$$$. Regular used 100K LSD units have been in the $800 range and if you want the one with the hardened gears expect to pay 2-3k for a used one.
A couple years back you could get a use in trans for $150 all day long. Now they want $350 and you really have no idea what you are getting. Could blow up a week after install and you really can not tell by looking at it. I guess you could magnaflux the R&P but not an easy task with it in the unit and taking one apart is not fun.
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