Got a digital-only subscription at last. I got instructions for using a mobile app, which I guess I could use on my 7" tablet or an Android virtual machine, but I'd prefer to read (directly) on the PC. I know there used to be a web-based magazine reader, is it still around and if so how do I access it?
Ian F
12/20/16 9:10 a.m.
Somewhat related question - what is a good tablet for reading PDF documents? When I read the specs of various devices, PDF viewing isn't mentioned. Or is that just considered one of those "assumed" programs? Personally, I would like one that is roughly "magazine-sized" as well. If I want to squint, I'll just look at it on my phone.
A good tablet? They'll all get it done, I think all the OSes include a PDF reader by default and I know many are available for free.
My only tablet is a 7" Android tablet that's basically a dedicated offroad navigation tablet. I also keep competition-related documents and vehicle manuals on it in PDF form, MuPDF is my PDF reader of choice on Android.
Hi Gameboy, glad you got the email. To answer your question: No, there currently is no browser version for this new app. Our numbers told us that very few people were using that feature when we had it.
But the good news is this new app is way better than the last one. We've been working on it for a long time now to make sure it would work well for everyone. Hope you enjoy it!
Need a little more help Ed, I'm trying to install the app in an Android VM now, but I'm having trouble finding it. The link in the email seems to be out of date since it brings up an error in the Google Play Store. Haven't been able to find it by searching in the store. I'd prefer an .apk direct download if possible.
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
Dumb question, what does it do now that it didn't do before?
I received an email recommending the app just recently. I didn't bother installing it, since I've given up on reading the website. I had problems getting my password to save, and then my user name was no longer available. GRM tech support was of no help.
Got it working!

Edit: Oh wait, apparently I have to do a "restore purchases" to access the magazines, but it crashes when I do that 
alfadriver wrote:
In reply to Ed Higginbotham:
Dumb question, what does it do now that it didn't do before?
Mostly not suck.
Many of the improvements are on our end. The new system integrates smoothly with our paper-and-ink printer and uses the same files we upload to them t produce the digital edition. The old one was a nightmare on our end from a content management perspective.
On the user end, you'll find new functional allowing you to share chunks of content right from the magazine via email and social media. And, hopefully, a little sleeker and more intuitive UI.
Look, that's what the brochure said, anyway. I'm sure it does all that stuff.