Ok, so I had to get some stuff for the wife's car today and the counter person at the local franchise was actually one of the good guys who let me behind the counter to parts hunt. So while I had the run of the candy store I decided to poke through radiator hoses for one I had in mind for the cooling system on the Wartburg.
Anyway, I found the hose, went to check out with a bunch of other stuff and when he rang it all up the stupid computer system wouldnt let him sell me the hose because according to the computer it wasn't in stock and therefore couldnt be sold....weird.
So he put it in my bag and said "freebie"
Is it free? I dont know this guy so it wasnt a special favor. I assume he would have done the same for anyone else that day.
It was just like a $9 hose so its not a big deal but now I dont have a receipt for my records.