Electrical Problem 1
This developed a month ago, high beams randomly decided to give up one day. Light on dash comes on strong when I flip the switch. I tried changing the relay out, no change.
Electrical Problem 2
This developed yesterday. Car will not crank over with the key. Lights dim, you hear the starter clunk, and nothing. However, jumping power directly to the solenoid trigger terminal with a screwdriver, it cranks up great! Bad ignition switch?
9/23/12 7:34 a.m.
There is nothing weird about electrical problems in an Italian car made in Yugoslavia. 
9/23/12 9:15 a.m.
Electrical is my nemisis but you have the wiring diagrams right? That's the only real help I can provide, they should be with the rest of the manual scans. Let me know if you need the link again.
Do the basics.
Battery, battery terminals, generator output, grounds etc.
Never presume any particular part is at fault until you prove it.
A VOM of course is esential.
Found the starter problem today, the screws holding the solenoid end cap on had backed out, one of the two had fallen out. Tightened down the one remaining screw to test and it cranked right up.
PROBLEM 3: Today it wouldn't warm up, even with the engine hot, it was coughing, sputtering, and generally running like ass. Car crapped out entirely on 8 mile rd. I start going through the ignition system, plugs looked fine, cap and rotor were ok, sort of dirty, I cleaned them. Then I found the problem, the coil wire had backed out from the coil, covered in evidence of arcing, spark was poor after plugging it back in, orange. So I called a ride and went to autozone, who ACTUALLY HAD A COIL for it at a nearby hub store, I was ready to buy a coil for an old chevy. We put the coil in, hot blue-white spark. NO START, tried ether, got some coughing, several attempts at cranking for 30 seconds straight with the pedal floored(flooding suspected), just some coughs and fireballs.
Had it flatbeded to a safe place, now what?
-Checked cam timing, spot on.
-Sorta checked ignition timing(static), due to an error on my part installing the new timing belt, the vacuum advance canister nearly touches the timing cover with the timing set correctly. It hasn't moved.
-Cap, rotor, and wires look fine.
Plugs? I'm now thinking the plugs are toast. It's definitely firing (lots of smoke out the tailpipe and breather hose) just not lighting off good enough to run. I can get a nice spark from them, but I have seen plugs pull this crap before.
Could be plugs if you haven't checked but it's unlikely that more than one failed at the same time. Only takes a few minutes to test them.
10/1/12 12:40 p.m.
SVreX wrote:
There is nothing weird about electrical problems in an Italian car made in Yugoslavia.
I thought the same thing. That and "What could possibly be a WEIRD problem on a Yugo? Does it play La Cucaracha instead of the Soviet National anthem?"
mndsm wrote:
SVreX wrote:
There is nothing weird about electrical problems in an Italian car made in Yugoslavia.
I thought the same thing. That and "What could possibly be a WEIRD problem on a Yugo? Does it play La Cucaracha instead of the Soviet National anthem?"
No that's normal. If it played the Soviet National Anthem that would mean it was working properly 
10/1/12 12:45 p.m.
Ahhhhh that makes sense then.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Could be plugs if you haven't checked but it's unlikely that more than one failed at the same time. Only takes a few minutes to test them.
In dealing with 2 stroke stuff, I have seen plugs throw a hot white spark and fail to do jack squat under pressure. I once spent a weekend fiddling with and kicking over a Kawasaki F-11 250 I had only to find it just needed a new plug.
Installed 4 new Bosch copper plugs, gaped and everything. Car was very hard to start, finally got it going, then it stalled when I tried moving it. Got a helper to crank while I played with the carb, got it going again, revs fine in neutral, idles great. Will roll around in 1st just fine, put your foot in it and it will die HARD and not recover, very hard to get started again.
Should i try holy water in the radiator? Prior to the coil smoking itself it ran great.
Fuel issues? Carb is freshly rebuilt by me, accelerator pump works. How do I check for proper flow/pressure?
Is this one points or does it have electronic ignition?
Bosch electronic ignition, its a dumb box, and I'm getting good spark, so it should be good. Advance is all in the distributor via vacuum and mechanical.
Popped the idle jet out, it was clean.
Do you have a factory manual?
I have 2 Haynes books (Brit spec Yugo, US spec 128) and a scan of the Yugo USA factory manual. None of these go beyond my troubleshooting skills.